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    A Call For Humor!

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    Hifiman Edition xs (Defect driver)

    I've got the XS, as well as the Sundara. Haven't had any QC issues.
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    SMSL or Topping Stack for Soundstage and Imaging?

    I'm going to be completely heretical. I have a Topping D50S DAC and a A90 headphone amp and usually listen through HiFiman Sundara's. Recently picked up a IFI Zen Can HFM amp that has a button for an equalization curve for the Sundara and another for a function they call XSpace. Paired the...
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    PS Audio FR30 speakers

    DWI wrote: Measurements aren't new, they just went out of fashion for about 30 years because most hifi is now very well made. They serve a purpose but they will never be the main factor. I subscribed to an audio magazine and just read this afternoon this comment by an audio manufacturer...
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    PS Audio FR30 speakers

    Chris, I think there would be absolutely no benefit for PS Audio to have the speaker reviewed here. As is aptly demonstrated in this thread, and in many, many comments about other PS Audio equipment, this site and its commenters provide anything but a level playing field. I give you a lot of...
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    Why Doubt Is Essential to Science - Sci. Am.

    "I make a metric shit ton of measurements of speakers...maybe as much as any hobbyist outside the industry, apart from guys like Amir and Erin. I won't listen to a a new DIY speaker until i dial it in with measurements ...which all end up looking very similar after tuning....and which still...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    Absolutely. If they are data that address the sound quality.
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    What you say may be absolutely true and I have no problem with that. But we don't have the data to support that statement either pro or con.
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    What objective data do you want? Line up 20 people, march them blindfolded by a speaker to listen for noise while the power conditioner is either in or out of the system? People in this thread have reported that it made a difference in their systems. They have actual experience with the...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    For some, not for everyone. As an extreme example, let's say I read a road test of a Bentley and the reviewer comments on how much nicer the ride is in a Rolls-Royce. I certainly can't relate that to my reality. That doesn't invalidate the comment. And I don't think it's fair to blame it...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    And the whole purpose of audio equipment is to listen to music. If the data have no relevance to that purpose what is the point? Using your fuel filter analogy, you never drove the car. The numbers are relevant only in the context of their actual use. If you look at the window sticker of a...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    "My point is not that you need an EE degree to make decision on what sounds good, that's subjective.". What exactly do you believe the purpose of this equipment is, other than to sound good? Never met a single person (to my knowledge) that works or has ever worked for PS Audio.
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    That is pure hyperbole. What exactly has PS Audio claimed that falls in that category? This thread began about a PS Audio power conditioner and a number of people on this thread that have used it said it removed noise in their systems. Exactly where is the parallel here?
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    You needn't worry about me. I own very little PS Audio gear so I am not at all insulted by whether you like it or not for what it does. I actually own more Topping equipment than PS Audio. This site publishes measurements of audio equipment. If by exposing overpriced components to sunlight...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    I'm not twisting your words. You wrote "Paul exploits the fact the majority of his customers do not hold EE degrees." So one should have a degree in electrical engineering to make an informed decision on what sounds good to you when you play music on your audio system? Should you also have a...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    You seem to think incredibly little of the intelligence of your fellow audiophiles. There is a far lower percentage of insipid ninnies in the hobby than you seem to think. As far as whatever malignancy there is in the hobby, we've certainly seen much of it on display in this thread...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    What is predatory? Are you, or anyone else, forced to buy from them? How do you define an audiophile that is a malignant narcissist? Someone who buys a piece of equipment from PS Audio? How, exactly is that malignant?
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    I've been in this hobby for a long time. And I certainly have bought gear that didn't live up to my expectations. I don't think I've been ripped off, since I've been fairly careful in basing my expectations on my experience. But, I certainly have a difficult time in applying the ripoff...
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    Predatory. Unholy. Unctuous. Nope, no anger at all. Good-natured criticism. Yep.
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    PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

    "predatory pricing practices" "gobbledegook" "unholy alliance" "ritzy audiophile set" "unctuous of PM" "distaste". So, you don't like Paul McGowan. Must be unpleasant being so angry about how others choose to spend their money on a hobby. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting...
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