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    How To Empirically Determine Best Speaker Position?

    I believe in the triangle. It has always been the best starting point for me. I want the speakers as far away from the rear and side walls as is reasonably possible. Then the L/R speakers need to be exactly positioned to form the base of an triangle. Tape measure in hand, find the middle of your...
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    What Audio Players Do You Have Installed On Your Windows,Mac or Linux?

    For PC playback, using Windows 10: FooBar, HQPlayer, Tidal, JRMC. These are the ones that I use, FooBar seems to be a good troubleshooter type app, HQPlayer is well very specialized, Tidal is for discovery and JRiverMediaCenter is my main player. It is very versatile and I like it best for...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    :) We started using the wax plugs, roll em up in the hands melting the wax and stuff them in. Hold them in place for about a minute and you are virtually deaf, that should work well. But oh the ugliness of a gnarly grubby melted bit of wax and cotton being stuffed into the ear...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    My wife reports that laser surgery for Cataracts has worked wonders for her eyes, and almost nothing to it. I think my primary aggravation factor for hearing loss would be poorly fitting motorcycle helmets. Always, too large and loose fitting provided a veritable hurricane of wind noise...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    Yes, I consider myself quite fortunate that I have realized some relief. Is it unusual that I would find some relief ? What I found was that it helps if you start with the best aids available. FWIW ... $5K CDN before medical plan assistance. Musically speaking, the aids I use link using...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    The interface for CPAP machines presents several variations, my wife settled on a nasal interface mechanism and has used it faithfully for most of a decade now. It offers the least facial contact but does require that the user is not a restless sleeper. Elevating the hose by using a hook on the...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    Engaging in the use of CPAP machine can be a huge relief for Apnea, my better half has gone through 3 machines in the last 15 years or so of life with CPAP. These machines are bear to master being as they do present a hideous interface to learn to cope with. And usually people will have to try...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    Roaring ocean like sounds is different from Tinnitus which typically is more like a high pitched constant tone. For me, when Tinnitus started it did not come on gradually, instead one evening it just started like a switch had been flipped. It has been a constant companion for near 20 years now...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    The hearing aids that I have do nothing to diminish the experience of listening to music, indeed they very much add to my experience. I am not so sure that they are "HiFi hearing aids" per se, but I do consider them to be very good for enjoying music, so I guess they fit the bill. It might be...
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    Audio Listening With Age Diminished Hearing

    Hello. I have been aware of the fact that my hearing was slowly degrading for many years now. And some close listening buddies it seems, also suffer hearing loss to some degree. Perhaps this is a more common problem that it may seem, maybe even so drastic that age related hearing impairment...
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