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      SacreDro replied to the thread KEF R3 meta Measurements.
      At a high price, I was talking to a friend that has studio equipment, the R3 Meta are nice, but for the money being a consumer grade he...
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      SacreDro replied to the thread KEF R3 meta Measurements.
      The R3 Meta si twice the price of the LS50, 1200 Euro vs 800 Euro for the LS50, so is the R3 Meta 30% better than the LS50, I guess not...
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      SacreDro replied to the thread KEF R3 meta Measurements.
      To have the cleanest sound possible...
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      SacreDro replied to the thread KEF R3 meta Measurements.
      What about near wall placement on a desk or behind you at 3 feet or so? I have a small room and I need to know if the R3 Meta are worth...
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      SacreDro replied to the thread KEF R3 meta Measurements.
      Should I get the R3 meta for 1200-1300 Euro or pay 800 Euro for the LS50 meta? I was also looking at the Yamaha HS8 or HS80 active...
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