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      Peternz reacted to Jimster480's post in the thread SMSL SU-10 DAC Review with Like Like.
      They should make a new business of selling a secondary $30 super premium remote and I bet that they would have a good number of...
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL SU-10 DAC Review.
      I really agree with that. With the Su-10 there is no need for a preamp. It does that job very well. I have been using a SU-10 for about...
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      Peternz reacted to ROQUE's post in the thread SMSL SU-10 DAC Review with Like Like.
      When I removed the analog preamp, I noticed an improvement in the sound quality, many people say that we lost bits... the volume control...
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      Peternz reacted to ROQUE's post in the thread SMSL SU-10 DAC Review with Like Like.
      Testing SMSL SU10 as a preamplifier. Connecting the dac in balanced mode to a Parasound Halo A23 and BW 805N amplifier. It showed a...
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      I liked mine so much that I got another one, so now I have one for each channel. I am using these to drive Dynaudio bookshelf speakers...
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