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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      A bit more solid bass, better 3d imaging and it sounds a bit more confident when you want to play a bit loud. I have inefficient...
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      Peternz reacted to Gstp's post in the thread SMSL VMV A1 with Like Like.
      Hi! You said that you use 2 VMV A1… in bridge mono? How do you do that? I use one with my Lintons and I love it :). For headphone amp...
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      The VMV A1 is a headphone amp. The headphone socket is on the back. There is no bridge mono option. The advantage by using it in mono is...
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      Just one more thing about the A1. It is a kick ass headphone amplifier. I have had a few of those. It is a cut above the Aune A17 for...
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      Peternz reacted to ppataki's post in the thread SMSL VMV A1 with Like Like.
      No, unfortunately the guy has changed his mind about selling it... I am now busy with this project and after that, probably around April...
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      Ok, have you got it yet and how is it working out for you?
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      You will be just fine. The A1 is much more refined than a class D amp, depth, mids and highs should all be much better. I think you...
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      Peternz replied to the thread SMSL VMV A1.
      As far as I am concerned the bass of the A1 is the star of the show. I think it may be a bit pointless if you are using subs. I have 2...
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