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      Monos replied to the thread Crazy PA Coaxials for Hifi.
      I’m very curious about that B&C Triax, have you tried it yet? Don’t see reviews or anything else about it yet.
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      Monos reacted to Waxx's post in the thread NY Times visits Ojas with Like Like.
      Those old altec/JBL systems got a special vibe to it, that is partly only the sound, but also the visual. In a double blind test they...
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      Monos reacted to kemmler3D's post in the thread NY Times visits Ojas with Like Like.
      I also went today, overall I wasn't disappointed but I wasn't blown away. I was lucky and got one of the floor seats right in the...
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      Monos reacted to egbx's post in the thread NY Times visits Ojas with Like Like.
      Yes you could build an equally compelling experience with professional gear. It would not necessarily be cheaper. The really good pro...
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      Monos replied to the thread NY Times visits Ojas.
      But I’m not comparing to monitors, I’m asking if there’s a marked improvement over pro audio options—let’s say mid-line consumer...
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      Monos replied to the thread NY Times visits Ojas.
      Um... Why not just use a well-sorted pa rig? Most museums already have quality pro audio on hand. The spotlights on the speakers...
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