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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      I believe I've found a solution; https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D482JZZG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This...
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      Meep reacted to tree's post in the thread Anthem STR pre-amp with Like Like.
      You haven't missed anything. The only thing that makes the setup manageable is the macros on the smart remote.
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      So this is worse than expected ☹️ As a reminder, I'm trying to set up my STR Pre in HT Bypass mode with a Marantz Processor in order...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Well, that's the point. If I'm sharing a power amp, either the AV Processor or the PRE have to trigger it. One or the other will be on...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Thanks for that detailed update. I think that I too will live with both devices being powered up all the time. Feels like it's the path...
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      Meep reacted to tree's post in the thread Anthem STR pre-amp with Like Like.
      I had a similar dilemma and I reached out to Anthem support about this. They claim there is no protection on the trigger outlet, so Y...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      I might reach out to Anthem and see what their idea of a solution might be. As stated, their bumpf does speak to HT Bypass, sharing...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Thanks, but that the kind of janky solution I referred to in my original query. I wouldn't trust myself not to blow stuff up.
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Except STR doesn't appear to have a trigger in, from reviewing the manual anyway ☹️ I could build an automation to detect Marantz power...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Interesting, thanks. Though likely overkill for my needs. I'd get a lot of hours electricity to run the STR during movies for the cost...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      It does, and sounds good in pure direct. I feel that I have taken the Marantz a far as it will go in stereo. I want to try the STR...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Yes, this would be an option as per my last paragraph. However, the STR supports passthrough in standby. There's no need for it to be on...
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      Meep replied to the thread Anthem STR pre-amp.
      Hi folks My STR arrives this week, and I plan on using it in HTBypass with my Marantz AV8805 and a shared power amp for L/R. Has...
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