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      mar1in replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Thank you so much FraPia-62! I've ordered those and decided to replace it myself as I couldn't wait any longer. Soldering was...
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      mar1in replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      I've managed to get part of the schematics from KEF Support, they wouldn't send the whole document as parts of the items are still in...
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      mar1in replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      thanks FraPia-62 you are a legend! I have opened my active speaker last night and tada - same issue! in my case all three capacitors...
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      mar1in replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Thank you so much FraPia-62 for your detailed post! I just got the same pair of LSX with the exam same issue. Will open them when I get...
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