Recent content by khachai44

  1. khachai44

    Just wondered what the opinions are on using an ipad versis a Droid operated pad to run a digital mi

    Just wondered what the opinions are on using an ipad versis a Droid operated pad to run a digital mixer. I see you can get a Droid cheaper than an ipad. I will need to be able to run Allen & Heath iLive, Yamaha TF5 and a QSC Touch Mix 16. I'm an old analog guy tryin to catch up...
  2. khachai44

    Find good line array system

    Thank you for your reply! :D
  3. khachai44

    Find good line array system

    Making line array theory work in the real world inevitably introduces compromises that deviate to a degree from the desired ideal behaviour. I believe the argument for divergence shading has significant merit. I'm not entirely convinced it's as big an issue as is implied in white papers written...
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