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      jerem06 reacted to ban25's post in the thread Onkyo TX-RZ30 with Like Like.
      I think we're going to have to see some more information out of Dirac regarding ART before speculating further. The exclusivity period...
    • J
      jerem06 reacted to EWL5's post in the thread Onkyo TX-RZ30 with Like Like.
      No info on internals yet but I would imagine they would continue to use the Burr Brown PCM1690 as on the 7100, RZ50, etc. I would not...
    • J
      jerem06 replied to the thread Onkyo TX-RZ30.
      Thanks for the information, do we know the DAC that is integrated into this model?
    • J
      jerem06 replied to the thread Onkyo TX-RZ30.
      Do you think the RZ range will have access to the Dirac ART Active Room Treatment via a paid update? This is the one thing I'm looking...
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