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      half_dog replied to the thread Truthear Gate.
      Nice! Thank you for your help! I'll buy a few to try it out...
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      half_dog reacted to markanini's post in the thread Truthear Gate with Like Like.
      I added one mesh disc on the top of each nozzle, leaving the stock filters as they are. That's why it's a reversible mod, so you can...
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      half_dog replied to the thread Truthear Gate.
      Interesting! I have a Moondrop Lan which seems to have a close frequency response to Gate. I have already made a simple mod, by putting...
      • 20240616_190035~2.jpg
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      half_dog reacted to markanini's post in the thread Truthear Gate with Like Like.
      I've been taking my time mesh rolling, I settled 300 value to put on top the nozzles, try this if slight "Harman glare" should bother...
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