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    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to EddNog's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      Left to right B100, L70 (as preamp), E70 Velvet, B100 Say what you want about the power ratings. Doesn’t even matter because...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to Haskil's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      peniku8 said: Not exactly sure who this product is aimed at. Internet? I don't know this speaker... But I know of high-efficiency horn...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to EddNog's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      I’ve owned a pair for a week now. They sound great and yes, I likely cannot consistently pick them in an ABX against V3 Monos (I’ve...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to ryanmh1's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      [I was going to add this as an edit to another post, but I think it deserves it's own post.] I'm going to expand a bit on an earlier...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to Roland68's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      I would be interested to know what you find so bad about an external power supply, or what bad experience you have had with it. In...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to EddNog's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      Sometimes it amazes me how easily people dismiss gear just from looking at charts and numbers without ever actually listening. I’ve been...
    • ah-ra
      I spent quite a bit of time watching all your videos yesterday @joentell. I have taken the liberty to rewrite what I think you are...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra replied to the thread Dirac Reviews.
      From my experience, at home you get the best results with some physical room treatment in combination with DSP... A DSP alone cannot...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra replied to the thread Dirac Reviews.
      Yes...you might get a Ph.D. in DSP....
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to Snarfie's post in the thread Dirac Reviews with Like Like.
      This comes close to attend university classes;)
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to ernestcarl's post in the thread Dirac Reviews with Like Like.
      I believe my REW settings is near identical to what @dominikz has already previously shown -- other than the sample rate set at default...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra replied to the thread Dirac Reviews.
      Thanks a lot, I will look into that. Are these your settings? Timing offset in the measurement window is set to 0 in my case... What do...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to ernestcarl's post in the thread Dirac Reviews with Like Like.
      I would also check repeatability of results (e.g. x6 sweeps, short vs long sweep length, and buffer settings.
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra reacted to ernestcarl's post in the thread Dirac Reviews with Like Like.
      Check your acoustic reference. Exact positioning between output speaker and reference speaker is not perfectly aligned -- even a tiny...
    • ah-ra
      ah-ra replied to the thread Dirac Reviews.
      That's not the reason... I used the same speaker for reference (measured speaker "left" > reference "left")....
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