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Spending big bucks on HiFi Audio

Mr. Widget

Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Oct 11, 2022
SF Bay Area
Put on a full face helmet that highly obscures your peripheral vision and badly restricts your hearing, then tell me you feel safer from the auto drivers?
I'll have to disagree with you here on both counts.

1. At speed wind causes your eyes to tear up and can be quite blinding. A well designed helmet does not obstruct your peripheral vision and can actually aid your vision.
2. While it may be counter intuitive, I know from personal experience that I could hear much better with a full face helmet than without one. Think of the effect as a wind screen on a mic when using it outdoors.

Of course, I agree no helmet is better at low speeds cruising around your neighborhood, but unfortunately too many people don't have common sense which is why we have laws to protect us and them from themselves.

Anton D

Major Contributor
Mar 17, 2021
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle helmets can reduce the risk of death by 1/3 and the risk of head injury by 69%.

But, don't let data get in the way of the heavy metal thunder. :cool:

A good compromise might be an indemnity arrangement where riders can choose to go without helmets but have no recourse to sue for head injury and have to cayy "non helmet user" insurance.

Let the people taking the physical risk also take the fiscal risk. Should not be a problem, eh?

Both sides can win!


Grand Contributor
The Chicago Crusher
Forum Donor
Mar 1, 2016
Central Fl
1. At speed wind causes your eyes to tear up and can be quite blinding. A well designed helmet does not obstruct your peripheral vision and can actually aid your vision.
1. That's what good riding glasses are for with zero vision restriction. AFAIK, all states require vision protection to be worn.
2. While it may be counter intuitive, I know from personal experience that I could hear much better with a full face helmet than without one.
2. Completely opposite of my 60+ years on 2 wheels.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle helmets can reduce the risk of death by 1/3 and the risk of head injury by 69%.
What the NHTSA can't give you are any numbers on the accidents that didn't happen in helmet law free states because the rider could see and hear what was going on around him. Or the numbers that did happen cause a mandatory helmeted rider couldn't see and hear what was going on around him.
Just like auto drivers, we all have and pay for our insurance and the cost is reflected in the real world liability numbers.

Thankfully the lawmakers in 32 of US 50 states have sided on the solid information presented them to ,
Let Those Who Ride Decide.


Grand Contributor
Central Scrutinizer
Mar 9, 2016
Riverview FL
No helmet required in my glider!

Some folks wear a parachute, though.

May be required in competition, where there may be a greater risk of collision.


Grand Contributor
Forum Donor
Dec 9, 2019
I have broken 2 Bell cycling helmets, once when cycling and the other time when I wiped out inline skating at speed and landed on my forehead. I have ruined 3 motorcycle helmets and one full face one was confiscated by the insurance company because it was considered too damaged for further use. I started riding on dirt bikes and my enduro ride indicated 34k km when I took it out of service and then I hit the street bikes and of course I steered from the rear wheel like a dirt bike and near died a couple of times. Helmets for me are mandatory. NO helmet = no riding for me!


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Forum Donor
Dec 17, 2021
I totally understand not liking helmets, and I don't care if people wear them. The cruiser crowd likes to be "seen" on their bikes looking cool, and like to play their version dress up just like any other person on a moto, and the whole look is ruined by a helmet. I go full power ranger these days, so my helmet looks just as dumb as the rest of me, but I also understand why people do other things. The no helmet crew love the wind in the hair, the "free" feeling that comes without a helmet, and when you are used to riding that way, a helmet feels claustrophobic and stuffy. You also can't talk to your buddies at stops in a helmet unless you all have comms systems. Had a cruiser, been there, done that, didn't wear a helmet much, and I get it. However, anybody that tries to argue no helmet is safer is just simply lying to themselves to justify the above. No need to lie to yourself, the above reasons are fine, so who gives a shit? At least be honest with yourself.

Robin L

Master Contributor
Sep 2, 2019
1 mile east of Sleater Kinney Rd
Seems like we've gone far off-topic.


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2021
Symbol In My Driveway
Jack Johnson
I've got a symbol in my driveway
I've got a hundred million dollar friends
I've got you a brand new weapon l
Lets see how destructive we can be

I got a brand new set of stencils
I been connecting all the dots
Got my plans in a zip lock bag
Lets see how unproductive we can be

I got a light bulb full of anger
And I can switch it on and off
In situations it can be so bright
I can't believe, how pathetic we can be

I got a perfect set of blue prints
I'm gonna build somebody else
Might cost a little more than money
But whats man without his wealth

I got a phosphorescent secret
But don't you tell nobody else
Next thing you know
The whole world will be talking
About all the clues they got
They just aint no use
They got fooled

My feeling is that an Audiophile is a person that enjoys listening to good quality music, and does the research to find the best value for their budget.
Further I believe all couples should agree on high-ticket purchases. It shows respect.

Status symbols? Trying to instill envy in others? I don't get it.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2021
1. That's what good riding glasses are for with zero vision restriction. AFAIK, all states require vision protection to be worn.

2. Completely opposite of my 60+ years on 2 wheels.

What the NHTSA can't give you are any numbers on the accidents that didn't happen in helmet law free states because the rider could see and hear what was going on around him. Or the numbers that did happen cause a mandatory helmeted rider couldn't see and hear what was going on around him.
Just like auto drivers, we all have and pay for our insurance and the cost is reflected in the real world liability numbers.

Thankfully the lawmakers in 32 of US 50 states have sided on the solid information presented them to ,
Let Those Who Ride Decide.

There’s a picture of a smiling young women on the dresser in our bedroom. My wife’s best friend, Nancy. Nancy and I were close friends before I ever dated my wife too. Nancy was riding on the back of her husband’s motorcycle. Both helmetless. They got in an accident. Not too serious seeming. He walked away, she died. Because her head had hit a parked car. There isn’t a time when I notice her photograph I don’t wish she had been wearing a helmet.

She was a grown up. She made her choices. I’m not saying it shouldn’t have been her choice. But wear a helmet, eh.


Grand Contributor
The Chicago Crusher
Forum Donor
Mar 1, 2016
Central Fl
Lets please get back on-topic. ;)


Master Contributor
Forum Donor
Jan 23, 2020
This topic came up few time on other threads.

Why is it not acceptable by our society (and wives) to spend big bucks on HiFi audio (or any other lesser practiced hobbies) when it is acceptable to spend $75k on a new car or have second car as a hobby car?

Is it because HiFi is an obscure luxury? Is it because societal standards brained washed us? Is it because the hobby has been tainted with snake oil?

How much have you spent on this HiFi hobby over your life time? How much do you spend on average an year? Will you ever reach your end game and stop upgrading? How do you deal with your wife/gf/partner when it comes to HiFi spending?
I think it's because a lot of people don't know what good sound (inasmuch as they haven't really experienced it) and/or they couldn't care less about it, they're not interested in it. There's people that enjoy music just as is without any thought to the playback devices, they just focus on the music. And then there's people that don't even care about music. So our hobby is is probably not understood by a large section of the population. And we ourselves even know that there are audiophiles that care about good sound and their gear and their music, but yet sometimes they know nothing about audio and go in for all the snake oil products and still don't get good sound. So the percentage of people that really understand audio and good sound is really quite small - so they just don't understand our obsession on it. (That's not to say that people won't recognise good sound when they hear it, because let's face it the Harman Research was all about using the public in studies and people do recognise good sound, just people aren't exposed to it or are not interested in it.). Large sections of the population would not understand our fascination.


Oct 21, 2023
In another forum I belong to, a member just mentioned buying an $83,000 preamp. Which I personally find a little disgusting as far as spending money goes. But it's not my money. Nor will I ever have that much to throw away on one stereo item.


Grand Contributor
The Chicago Crusher
Forum Donor
Mar 1, 2016
Central Fl
In another forum I belong to, a member just mentioned buying an $83,000 preamp. Which I personally find a little disgusting as far as spending money goes. But it's not my money. Nor will I ever have that much to throw away on one stereo item.
You never know, there is always the lottery. :p
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