
  1. mervan

    Newbie here: Differences of DSF and WavPack

    Hi, this is my first post here, and I am a newbie in this hi-fi world. I have several albums on my computer in different formats. Let's take Pink Floyd's album Wish You Were Here as the reference in this post. I have two versions of this album: the first is in DSF, 11289 kHz, 22579 kbps, 1 bit...
  2. ThatM1key

    Why isn't WavPack more popular?

    Like the title says. Main advantages over FLAC: Able to store and losslessly compress DSD stereo & multichannel. Album can be 1 Single with built-in cuefile. Create lossy files with a correction file to reconstruct the whole file again. Can losslessly compress better
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