smsl a100

  1. pma

    SMSL A100 class D amplifier test

    SMSL A100 amplifier review This test review was performed to comply with FTC: 16 CFR Part 432 (July 5, 2024) - Power Output Claims for Amplifiers Utilized in Home Entertainment Products The SMSL A100 is a small, affordable, 2-channel Class D amplifier. It embeds an Infeon MA-12070 amplifier...
  2. Mike710

    Polk XT15 amp noise

    Hi all, New here although I use to follow/surf the Audiokarma and Gearslutz forums as a musician and vintage hi-fi enthusiast some years ago (90´s-00´s). I have recently got Into all this D-amp and small format hi-fi gear by trying out a SMSL A100 paired with a set of Polk Audio XT15´s as...
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