reflected sound

  1. S

    B&W spaciousness from Bose-like reflection?

    Let us consider the Bowers & Wilkins loudspeakers with tweeter without baffle. Is the spaciousness of these loudspeakers partly from the reflection of upper mid and lower high from the wall behind the loudspeaker? The tweeter without baffle will radiate quite an amount of sound (though not...
  2. E

    Room accoustics - wall treatment vs near your head treatment

    I lack any accoustic measuring equipment and seek thoughts as to where the management of reflections can be acheived. Room periphery vs next to my head. Please bare with me, I appreciate that this is unlikely to be ideal. My live-in room treatment enforcer (many of us have one of those)...
  3. S

    Does a speaker sound brighter or darker in a "large" room?

    How was your experience? I saw a pro-audio document saying that loudspeakers sound brighter in a large room (large in the sense of pro-audio world, a room that can hold 200 or less people is called a "small room"), because the listeners hear more reflected sound. This is a part of Gold Line...
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