
  1. ThatM1key

    Why isn't WavPack more popular?

    Like the title says. Main advantages over FLAC: Able to store and losslessly compress DSD stereo & multichannel. Album can be 1 Single with built-in cuefile. Create lossy files with a correction file to reconstruct the whole file again. Can losslessly compress better
  2. S

    flac file played by blu-ray to DAC: bit perfect?

    Is this a bi-perfect playback? FLAC file played by a Blu-ray player -> HDMI cable -> TV -> optical cable -> hi-fi stereo DAC
  3. Xulonn

    Digital music collections - organizing/editing filenames and metadata...

    Classical and jazz, in particular, offer many challenges for digital audiophiles with their variable (and often long and complex for classical music) mix of names. Composers, symphonies, concertos, movements, sonatas, suites, conductors, soloists and more are some of the complexities for...
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