bass module

  1. kiranmatrixlee

    How to get DBFB in a new generation music system?

    I am using an old Hi-Fi system(Sony MHC-W777AV) for enjoying music. In this, I have a DBFB(Dynamic Bass Feedback) button. If I press that, I can hear low and smoothened bass from this small woofer which is impressive. Not only the bass but the total music experience is also enhanced. How Can I...
  2. Rick Sykora

    Active bass module plans (for Directiva and more)

    Ok, almost have my table saw cleared and speaker test stand back in place. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I have a few drivers already and am contemplating how to deploy them for many options to suit different needs. First of all, do not expect to use any drivers much larger than 8-inch ones. I...
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