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  1. W

    (Europe) Master Deals Thread on Audio Product Sales

    Audiolab 6000a for 479,- at ibood. There are also several other amps from Audiolab and Rotel.
  2. W

    Overwhelmed with amp/Dirac choices for Lintons

    Dominikz: Wow, thank you very much for taking the time to provide all this info. It is not easy to tell how much of a difference AVR/amp makes. Some say you won't hear it, some swear that the worst stereo amp is way better than the best AVR. Thank you for the hint to the free trial. I will check...
  3. W

    Overwhelmed with amp/Dirac choices for Lintons

    Wow, thank you for all the responses, all very helpful and I hope I don't forget to answer some of them. Denon X3800: I already looked at it but unfortunately it is way more expensive right now, especially with Dirac. But maybe I would wait until it gets cheaper. AVR vs. Separates: I often...
  4. W

    Overwhelmed with amp/Dirac choices for Lintons

    Me? No, I'm not on YouTube and from Germany. :) As I do not have a clue about all this measurement stuff I hoped Dirac would simplify that for me. Regarding speaker placement I already read some guides and followed them so the Lintons should hopefully be positioned well. Regarding the sub I...
  5. W

    Overwhelmed with amp/Dirac choices for Lintons

    Thank you very much but the RZ50 would be double the cost so even more than 7100 + NCore Power amp ...
  6. W

    Overwhelmed with amp/Dirac choices for Lintons

    Dear all, First of all thank you so much for providing all this helpful information in this forum! I feel like I already read tons of threads bit the more I read the more I get confused which way to go ... So I really would need some help what to do. My room: L shaped room (living room +...
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