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    What Is An Audiophile?

    As has been said, the social understanding of the term Audiophile has changed over the decades. These days, Audiophile and Audiophool are often used interchangeably. My rough and ready definition: Audiophile (Modern definition, AKA Audiophool): Someone who uses music to listen to their...
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    Can anyone explain the vinyl renaissance?

    Fascinating thread. Unlike many I never got rid of my original vinyl purchases (I bought my first LP in 1978). I now have thousands of LPs. Am I a vinyl fan? No. I'm into music and quite format agnostic. I still sometimes play cassettes even, the top 40 compilation one's I made - Folk these days...
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    Abba Voyage Sound Quality

    Anyone else bought the new Abba Album? I didn't have high hopes to be honest and as such am not disappointed, I doubt it'll become a classic. Anyway I bought the Amazon Orange Transparent LP (Matrix A3/B3). Good grief it sounds dire! Although I make sure my stylus is clean (using a 10x...
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    Yes, an Audiophool uses music to listen to his equipment. A Musicphile uses his equipment to listen to music. It really boggles the mind how intelligent rational people can loose 99% of their IQ and all sense of rationality when it comes to conspiracy theories or mega expensive cables with...
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    Digital vs Vinyl

    Yes, purposefully crappy. I'm fed up with it.
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    Digital vs Vinyl

    Yes. The modern Vinyl revival is a lot of the time a complete con. Take the Album "Real to Reel - Sound City" (David Grohl and company). I've got both the CD and the LP. The CD is compressed to hell and sounds terrible as a result, the LP sounds far superior in every way, and is less...
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    Digital vs Vinyl

    Yeah, the original Chicago LPs are fab, Chicago IX was the only one I didn't have, so when I heard they'd reissued it, I couldn't resist. So I was even more gutted when it turned out to sound awful. Personally I'm relatively format agnostic. Good music is good music but I do prefer the ease of...
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    Digital vs Vinyl

    I've got the roofer in repairing the roof. He saw my extensive LP collection and said that LP's are far better than CD's. Are they? I asked. Yes, he said "CD's are only 44.1 records are the full 48" (his exact words). I asked him what equipment he had. Cheap USB turntable and bluetooth...
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    Can you review a Synchro-Mesh S/PDIF re-clocker?

    Respectfully, what you don't appear to understand is that we don't believe you. Same with my claim that I ran 100 meters in 8 seconds flat. Unless I am able to provide proof then people are quite entitled not to believe me and instead dismiss me as a crack-pot. You can claim anything you want...
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    Optical Cables "Toslink"

    Here's mine Mine goes underneath a rug just where I walk a lot (in front of a doorway and right next to the stairs) so I guessed if I got cable with a thick protective jacket it would hold up to...
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    Can you review a Synchro-Mesh S/PDIF re-clocker?

    Sadly that won't be possible. He says he doesn't think the AP system is resolving enough or uses the right measurements. So if Amir does do some measurements and doesn't see the 10x improvement, it means his test equipment isn't good enough. . . . That's a coincidence, the same thing happens to...
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    Optical Cables "Toslink"

    If only Amazon Basics made Hi-Fi equipment! I'm sure they would put many brands to shame . . . I've got an 8 metre toslink cable from my computer to my pre-amp. Cost under £10. Bit perfect as well (if one believes the DTS bit perfect test).
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    Can you review a Synchro-Mesh S/PDIF re-clocker?

    Wow. Just wow. Did I tell you about the time I ran 100 metres in 8 seconds flat? That was a day to remember, I tell you.
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    MQA Bad For Music

    I'm sorry that I've apparently managed to upset you in some way. I was in no way making any implication about your expertise and knowledge, nor casting any aspertions. I was just stating my belief. I fully accept that we generally possess two ears as opposed to a B format mic which only samples...
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    Wirecutter reviews USB audio interfaces

    Yes, that's the type of user it's aimed at, the casual ones. As said, it's a general consumer reports website reviewing everything from measuring spoons to credit cards. It isn't a specialist audio equipment review website and shouldn't be treated as such. Actually, compared to some websites...
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    They are one of the ugliest speakers I've ever had the misfortune to look at a photo of. I don't care if they may even be the best sounding speakers in the world, I wouldn't give them house room no matter how much money I had. I doubt even a nice bookmatched wood venear and grills could hide the...
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    Wirecutter reviews USB audio interfaces

    No, they are not claiming that at all. They are saying that "sound quality isn’t a major distinguishing factor between interfaces" and that "there were no obvious sonic differences between the different interfaces". That is totally different to claiming that every interface sounds the same. AK.
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    MQA Bad For Music

    It amazes me how companies are continuously trying to reinvent the wheel. The 'perfect' surround sound format already exists - Ambisonics, in the form of B-Format, which can be further encoded into two channel UHJ for later decoding if required. I've been listening to Ambisonics (both UHJ and...
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    foobar2000 modular freeware audioplayer for Windows developed by Peter Pawłowski

    Interesting colours you're using in Foobar, I'm using similar: The colour scheme reminds me of the days of mainframes when I used to use an amber monochrome CRT terminal. I still find amber on black a very easy on the eye colour scheme. The layout I'm using is the same layout I have always...
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    Guttenberg and designing by hearing/listening instead of measuring.

    Sadly, my opinion of Weiss went through the floor when they decided to sell 'Audiophile' cables at snake oil prices. 425 for a 1m AES/EBU cable for example. Anything over, say £40 for such a cable is a rip off. I say £40 because, for example, a ready made Industry standard, broadcast standard...
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