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    RPi4 + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    I‘m using the Hifiberry Digi+ I/O as Input but only with 48 and 96 kHz. You can multiply the channels with the mixer and have their own filter pipeline. But I don‘t know whether the Flex accepts this 8 channels by usb.
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    RPi4 + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    @mdsimon2 Yes, had a problem with starting service under RaspberryPi OS Lite. So I changed these parts. Seems it was the WantedBy. The parts with after and wants are best practices for ALSA based services.
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    RPi4 + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Some small modification suggestions for the camilladsp.service [Unit] And at the end [Install] A headless system would not start with
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    RPi4 + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    I‘m using 48KHz and 96kHz. Now I found, that paying with samplerate 96000 and after that changing to play 48000, cdsp is doing this without need for a new yml or restart. Are there negative side effects from this or can I be happy and see this as a feature?
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