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  1. L

    How to integrate a microphone into pc set up (Fiio K7)

    So I'm looking to add a microphone solution into my set up. I have a PC (used for gaming / casual use) and I have my Fiio K7 as DAC / AMP and headphones plugged into that as well as using the Fiio as a pre-amp for Edifier speakers. I was looking at the modmic wireless which presumably I just...
  2. L

    Volume wheel not responding on line out on Fiio K7

    Perhaps I have a faulty unit but the volume wheel on my Fiio K7 does not change the volume when in line out mode to my Edifier 1280dbs speakers? It works when using my headphones connected from the front but it doesn't respond to change the volume up or down when in line out - any ideas?! I...
  3. L

    US to UK customs and import duty as of January 2023

    Seen a couple of threads back in 2020/21 on here and I've checked out the UK.GOV site addressing this but only been left with more confusion! My confusion is I bought the PC38X in April 2021 from MassDrop and had no additional costs levied against me other than the shipping (very reasonable...
  4. L

    Sense check of set up Edition XS, Fiio K7 and Edifier 1280DBS

    Hi, I just wanted to check this is set up would work mostly concerning my Edifier 1280DBS speakers which I believe are powered. I'd like to add in a Fiio k7 and Edition XS and wanted to check all three elements can work in tandem, in particular the Fiio K7 being able to sensibly drive (use) the...
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