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    Proposal: Right to Fair Review (RFR) Association

    I agree with this being blown out of proportion. It reminds me of when I was a reporter and someone involved in some story I was covering claimed they were going to sue somebody. My editor told me we don't cover threats of litigation. There isn't a lawsuit until there's a lawsuit. And I'm not...
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    GR Research Klipsch RP-600M Upgrade Review (speaker)

    Are there any studies that follow up on double-blind preference tests to see if the preference holds after the listener is unblinded? That is, if someone picked out a product based on a double blind test. They then have to get it home and listen to it knowing what it is and carrying the weight...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    It's truly bizarre. Obviously no one is gonna throw $400 in boutique parts on a lower priced speaker. But he acts like the response curve can't be achieved with commodity parts, which the speaker designers would surely use if they thought it was worthwhile. I'm sure some improvement could be...
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