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  1. B

    Hifiman HE400i Review 2020 Revision (Headphone)

    That’s awful, add food shortages to the list of worries
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    Hifiman HE400i Review 2020 Revision (Headphone)

    So fortunate, nothing is growing in Massachusetts this year
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    Neurochrome HP-22 - The $90 high-performance DIY headphone amp

    Measurements are a challenge for me, I’m still putting together a basic lab bench, but I managed. The build documents require a test tone at a specific output voltage, I had to jerryrig it but managed to get close (I had 520mV instead of 500mV)The observed output was near the expected.
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    Neurochrome HP-22 - The $90 high-performance DIY headphone amp

    The prep work was the longest part of the build, cleaning, measuring and pre bending parts, but after that everything fell into place with no unexpected pitfalls
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    Neurochrome HP-22 - The $90 high-performance DIY headphone amp

    Just finished my HP-22 today, fun build!
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