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    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to Th0805's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      I get you, but it’s just another feature that would drive up price. When in all reality most streaming options exist within the unit...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I think USB would have been a nice trade off for one of the digital outputs. More people use computers/ipads/iphones/ than need 3...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I am personally talking about USB access to the DAC. It’s not a huge feature that is at all esoteric. I don’t care if it’s USB or...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I wouldn’t want to lose any of the inputs (though I currently don’t use the phono input), but I think a USB-C input would be ideal for a...
    • uofmtiger
      Yes ( the way it works now).
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to Emlin's post in the thread WiiM Ultra Streamer Preamp Review with Like Like.
      There are no problems with the volume control on mine. The other things are matters of personal priority, and you can't please all the...
    • uofmtiger
      If you have another Wiim device, you can currently AirPlay to it and link the Ultra. AirPlay 2 is lossy, so probably not an ideal way...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to gwing's post in the thread WiiM Ultra Streamer Preamp Review with Like Like.
      Gosh it's not that hard. It's either a simple streamer or an amp with built in streamer. There's just one amp and the streamers go up...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to AdamG's post in the thread WiiM Ultra Streamer Preamp Review with Like Like.
      Hi Amir, Great review as usual. This unit has been highly requested for review and the performance is outstanding as expected. WiiM...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to Koeitje's post in the thread WiiM Ultra Streamer Preamp Review with Like Like.
      I like what WiiM is doing. Plenty of features, good performance, and decent pricing. Just an all round solid product.
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I would like to see HDMI out to put artwork on my TV and Airplay added, in addition to the USB input you mentioned to make the product...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to Brian Hall's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      I've submitted a ticket to Wiim for this, but one thing the Ultra needs is a setting for the volume step with the remote. Currently the...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I get the confirm request when I change from the touchscreen, as well. Not sure if there is a setting to get around it, though. I...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger reacted to Abdo's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      I'm still discovering the WiiM Ultra, but the part that I really liked was the issue of the ready-made equalization presets. They work...
    • uofmtiger
      uofmtiger replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      I think he was talking about physical control from across the room. I have the Wiim Ultra next to my chair in my office, so I use the...
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