Recent content by AudioBean

  1. A

    Genelec 8341 vs KH150

    Several in Germany and I'm sure both manufacturer websites will list your local distributors
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    Genelec 8341 vs KH150

    What country you in?
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    Genelec setups in living rooms [how to]

    Both styles look great to me. Obviously this forum will lead to you upgrading the rear pair rather than downgrading the front trio :)
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    Genelec setups in living rooms [how to]

    @Nattage Love the setup. Are they 8340's next to the bed?
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    Genelec setups in living rooms [how to]

    I've been trying to line up the same audition for a while here so I'd say there's every chance I'll end up with 8350 also. I do absolutely love the look of white Ones though...
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