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Theoretical, yet practical speaker acquisition question


Jan 25, 2024
Hey everyone -

I am "looking" into the possibility of picking up new speakers. I have JM Lab Cobalt 816 plus the center for my fronts. I have been doing tons of reading and review watching. I had been mostly looking at floorstanders, but recently, a few things went through my head which is making me question the concept of bookshelf. I am looking at replacing the front three of my home theater/audio system. For the last number of years, I was mostly on the HT front, but I have swung the pendulum back in favor of audio over HT this past year.

Based on where speakers sound good in my room and my seating location, I think I will keep my speakers 'roughly' in the same location. I have recently picked up a mic and I have been using REW, In doing that, I have noticed that I get a very good blend in and relatively flat response with both subs active at 80Hz x-over. However, when I change the x-over to 60 or 40, there is quite the hole. There is a big dropoff in bass response when I turn the subs off.

So looking at my REW data, I started playing around with Room Simulation. I get pretty good response across the full bandwidth when I have both subs added, but when I remove the subs, I notice the same simulation data dips as the real-world data. So this makes me question getting another tower speaker. If my "new" speaker is in the same rough location, shouldn't it too be affected by the room mode and I would have the same dip in bass?

Here is a screenshot of no sub in my room (speaker can play reasonably well to 40-50Hz, but not from my MLP):

Here is a shot of the mains with the subs blended (I have since improved the flatness of the 35Hz dip by moving a sub, but I didn't get a screenshot of it):

And here is a shot of the Room Simulator. Note the same dip as I saw with my speaker without sub:

So... long-winded way of asking, but with my room, relative speaker position and MLP, wouldn't much of the benefit of a tower speaker that plays lower than what I have now be "just as lost" as the dips I have now? So, would a "better" bookshelf speaker with subs be something that I should be looking into? Might that be a better value proposition? I understand that mid-bass above the 80Hz x-over would be different with my current vs. potential future speaker, but could the thought of going to a better bookshelf be a/the possible correct path?

I hope this long-ish question makes sense. I might be overlooking other elements altogether.

Buying into improved bass extension when you're going to high-pass the mains anyway, does seem kind of pointless, yeah.

It may make sense if you can run the mains full-range and use something like Multi Sub Optimizer to blend multiple bass sources for smoother in-room response.

Which aspect of your JM Lab Cobalts are you looking to upgrade?
How much do you want to spend?
And which country are you located in?
Buying into improved bass extension when you're going to high-pass the mains anyway, does seem kind of pointless, yeah.

It may make sense if you can run the mains full-range and use something like Multi Sub Optimizer to blend multiple bass sources for smoother in-room response.

Which aspect of your JM Lab Cobalts are you looking to upgrade?
How much do you want to spend?
And which country are you located in?

Thanks. I am generally happy with the bass response and tonal quality. I'd love a more expansive soundstage. I would like greater depth. I would like better detail. I love to thump, but my family usually is texting me to turn it down when the bass gets heavy.

I am in Canada. I would like to spend less than $5k USD for the front three.

Thanks. I am generally happy with the bass response and tonal quality. I'd love a more expansive soundstage. I would like greater depth. I would like better detail. I love to thump, but my family usually is texting me to turn it down when the bass gets heavy.

I am in Canada. I would like to spend less than $5k USD for the front three.

For a more expansive soundstage, I'd do either

Sierra-2EX V2 + Sierra Horizon V2
Philharmonic BMR Monitor + Philharmonic HT Center

The Ribbon tweeters have extremely wide directivity.

Ascend Acoustics also have a Sierra tower with the same ribbon tweeter, if you prefer that.

Edit: Not the same. (Thanks @JAJDACT!)
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For a more expansive soundstage, I'd do either

Sierra-2EX V2 + Sierra Horizon V2
Philharmonic BMR Monitor + Philharmonic HT Center

The Ribbon tweeters have extremely wide directivity.

Ascend Acoustics also have a Sierra tower with the same ribbon tweeter, if you prefer that.
The Sierra tower has the 70-20xram RAAL,which has a narrower dispersion pattern compared to the 64-10x RAAL in the 2EX and BMR. Still pretty wide compared to most,but the 64-10x extends out farther and keeps the same width throughout it's entire range almost.
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