I understand exactly why I'm a fan of the format.
I read early on of the development of the format vs. DCC. As an avid prior taper I hated the fragility of tape.
MD made life easy, along with high durability.
I never kidded myself about the "Near CD" sound quality and I'm perfectly happy with audio performance in non-critical, casual applications.
As time went on and Sony continued to develop ATRAC it sounded better and better, eventually attaining the non-compressed HiMD algorithm.
I still borrow CD's from my local library and put them on MD. If I get bored with the Material I can re-record on the MD, although I still have dozens of blanks.
The editability of the TOC is extremely handy.
As long as the machinery holds out I continue to use my decks (Sony and Tascam) with pleasure.
It cracks me up to hear criticism of the MD format from ignorant people, some of whom swear by vinyl with all it's mediocre performance limitations (Poor SN ratio, high wow and flutter, low channel separation, surface noise, pops-ticks-scratches, groove wear, cartridge wear, misalignment etc.)
I have recorded many a vinyl record from my Music Hall MMF5 (?) to MD in my time and consider the transfers a vast improvement not in sound but ease of use.