Amir, when was the last time you measured a tube amp that had no distortion?
To be fair, tube amps are sought after for a certain pleasing sound, caused by mainly even-order distortion. Solid-state amps have distortion as well, but they are of a different kind. So does digital, but is unlistenable.
I like to view tube distortion, as opposed to sterile cleanliness, like looking at a 70s photograph with all its imperfections than a pristine modern one where everything looks plastic or even cartoonish in its 'perfection'.
Listening to vinyl has distortion as well. In fact, even a lot of the modern music we listen to - unbeknownst to many - was recorded with some sort of tube equipment in the signal chain for added warmth and other qualities. So whether we like it or not, the music we listen too will most likely have distortion - whether it is added by our amplifier, or baked into the recording.