what a sloppy execution of the “art” they should be lambasted for this .
The correct and competent topology and design are some google searches away I assume ? But they’re to lazy as soon as it “works” sort of and looks nice its time to market
they had to push this barely working contraption
Why not just copy some classic design buy good transformers and make it look nice as the lazy option ? Beats this cr*p ?
No one deserves this lazy “engineering” even if you want tubes . Infuriatingly horrible why not even make a little effort to engineer it properly
The correct and competent topology and design are some google searches away I assume ? But they’re to lazy as soon as it “works” sort of and looks nice its time to market
Why not just copy some classic design buy good transformers and make it look nice as the lazy option ? Beats this cr*p ?
No one deserves this lazy “engineering” even if you want tubes . Infuriatingly horrible why not even make a little effort to engineer it properly