Since the market(Ebay & AFL) seem flooded w/ refurbished versions of this receiver ranging in price from $400 to $450, I thought I would give this thread a little bump. Models avail. include the TSR-700, TSR-7850R, RX-V685 and RX-A780. The TSR-700 is the same as the V6A tested here and the others are the older style, but all include Altmos & DTS-X & pre-outs.
I've owned the A780 since it was new in '17 and for my usage I think it would be hard to beat. I have it in a trailer in Mexico and the WiFi service is very poor here, so basicly I'm stuck w/ 2-chan. PCM. For someone saddled w/ such a source, these receivers, properly set-up, can enhance the experience.
The first thing was pointed out by Amir, setting any of the speakers to sm. destroys the sound! All speakers, regardless of their size, need to be set to lg. If low bass causes problems, use the 1st, and if needed, 2nd band of the EQ. to take some pressure off. Of course, Extra Bass will have to be on to get sub pre-out.
Use as few channels as possible.
In my sm space, I am using frt. height and rear surrounds to add some spaciousness and adding a center really pulls the volume down. W/out resorting to ext. ampilication, 6 channels of 8 Ohm speakers seem to be about the limit.
I get the best results up-mixing to either Dolby Surround(Dsur) or NeuralX(YouTube won't up-mix to 6 Chan., but my MP3 files do fine).
I always leave the Music Enhancer on. I'm not sure how much it adds, but I'm pretty sure it does no harm.
I have a better measuring amp, but it doesn't sound as musical as this receiver, set-up this way.
I know it seems paradoxical to use the term "musical" when listening to music off basic WiFi, but since, except for some CD's, I've never used good source material, perhaps I can be forgiven.
For listeners on a budget or just "want-a-be's like me, these receivers are a real bargain.