Wow! Just wow.. You have really went all in, and with Accuphase and the AS-3000! Totally impressed. My rig by comparison is quite dull, but it does sound good if I say so myself. It's strictly 2ch, with the 50 year old L200's (yes I bought them in 1974 at the age of 19). I started revamping them after discovering a very knowledgeable guy
@Neddy (hope you are doing well!) who got me onto the 2216ND1 drivers from the JBL 4367 which was a bolt on. Soon after I biamped them, then added the super tweeter JBL 077) and triamped. I am now using a Sublime Acoustics K231 electronic crossover and an old MiniDSP for the PEQ's. With these incredible woofers I have no need for subs as I am flat (+- 3db) from 23 hz up. I just ordered a MiniDSP Flex digital output and will probably get a new DAC to replace the old Modi 3. I run JRiver as well and don't stream much.
A few pictures..
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