Okay, everything arrived yesterday and I set everything up but I only used it for like 2-3 hours. So first I only tried my new cables, so coaxial to BNC adapter -> 25cm BNC cable -> Neutrik NADITBNC-M -> AES/EBU Cable -> Genelec -> AES/EBU Cable (I used normal microphone cable previously so now everything has correct impedance finally) -> Genelec. This worked pretty much without problems.
Then I switched my BlueSound Node for the WiiM Ultra which of course is the more important part in this review. First the setup was fantastic, it worked so flawless and in matter of few minutes (excluding a firmware update). Remembering how long it took and how many on my BlueSound node it's just a shame BlueSounds puts out such a product.
Auto Switching between something like Spotify connect and my TV (eARC) works perfect, just like it did with the BlueSound. But here I have an additional feature on the WiiM it says it can auto detect Optical input. So thats where my CD-Player is connected to. Sadly it seems to work semi good. When I'm in standard mode (so Wifi input I guess) and turn on the CD-Player it switches to the input correctly. When it first detect my TV (eARC) though and I turn on then my CD-Player it doesn't seem to want to switch. While when I first turn on my CD-Player and the the TV it switches easily to it. So I guess that is more smartness than in my BlueSound but still not perfect.
For the display I looked shortly at it. It's nice that it shows the song cover artwork when playing spotify (or chromecast or so I guess) but it's just distracting when watching TV or playing CD. I like to have almost no other light source when my TV. So an option for the display to be turned off when connected to eARC would be cool, but I have hidden the WiiM Ultra now completely inside my TV-bench, so I guess I would still keep it that way. Nice and minimalistic.
Sadly though I have noticed one major problem, I also had when I first got the Genelecs and tried to connect them directly through TV optical out -> optical to coaxial converter -> coaxial to aes/ebu cable -> genelecs. So sometimes the sound drops out but like not really. It's like first the left speaker goes quiet and immediately again to normal volume (feels like a smooth transition too) and directly after that the right speaker. It's not as often as with my initial connection method through the TV optical but on the Node I got it to be basically non existent. I turned on the "Optical/HDMI Audio De-noising" feature but it doesn't seem to help. I also tried another samplerate for the coax output, maybe that works better. I have to test some more in the following days. If I can't fix it I probably will switch back to the BlueSound, which would make me very sad, since it seems so great otherwise.