Hi Res has no effect on the equipment, and the equipment has no effect on the Hi Res. The limitations in each case are human hearing and room effects. Distortion in the audio band will be the same for normal or High resolution, and inaudible in both cases unless the original source (like analogue tape) is distorted. There are good reasons for recording at 96kHz sampling, and 32 or 48 bit or floating point, in terms of providing headroom for mixing, EQ etc, but once the final mix is created, there's zero benefit in anything more than 16 bit and 48k sampling. 16/44.1 is entirely adequate as a distribution format.That’s a real shame in my opinion, and I guess I have listened to the marketing fluff.
I would think that I fall into that 99% and probably could not distinguish one over the other, so I’ll concede that. My next question would be… Is the Hi-Rez better for my gear?
I know problems especially at high volumes happen with distortion. Is there less distortion in the Hi-Rez version of our music?