On Sunday morning I settled down to enjoy a couple of hours of listening. But, at just 30 minutes in, I wasn't particularly enjoying myself. My system can sound absolutely incredible, but on this Sunday, fatigue was definitely setting in quickly.
This was probably based on my mood to a certain extent and living in London, background noise likely also contributes.
I decided to watch and listen to some live music via KEXP (one example of a few live studio channels I enjoyed) and suddenly, the system sounded amazing. Now I know that YouTube is not giving me lossless audio, but to me, it was far more enjoyable than streaming from Tidal. At least on Sunday.
The music seemed more dynamic, yet there was definitely more noise. It was less compressed, with more dynamic range.
Don't get me wrong, there are many other occasions when I sit back and enjoy streaming from Tidal, it sounds fantastic.
I feel that so much music has just been ruined by how it's been mastered. Pushing loudness to the limits, leaving no 'space' around the sound - everything is so 'full-on' - and this is the case for a fairly significant amount of music. The live music via YouTube seemed so much more dynamic and enjoyable.
Just wondering if anyone feels the same. Moods change, sometimes we are tired and sometimes our minds are not at rest. This definitely has an impact.
I am of course aware that we've lost dynamic range thanks to the loudness wars and I guess modern preferences/listening habits.. at the expense of some musicality.
My music is streamed from Tidal/Roon into a MiniDSP SHD feeding some Genelec 8030C speakers and a Kef subwoofer. DIRAC takes care of the room.
Anyone feel the same sometimes?
This was probably based on my mood to a certain extent and living in London, background noise likely also contributes.
I decided to watch and listen to some live music via KEXP (one example of a few live studio channels I enjoyed) and suddenly, the system sounded amazing. Now I know that YouTube is not giving me lossless audio, but to me, it was far more enjoyable than streaming from Tidal. At least on Sunday.
The music seemed more dynamic, yet there was definitely more noise. It was less compressed, with more dynamic range.
Don't get me wrong, there are many other occasions when I sit back and enjoy streaming from Tidal, it sounds fantastic.
I feel that so much music has just been ruined by how it's been mastered. Pushing loudness to the limits, leaving no 'space' around the sound - everything is so 'full-on' - and this is the case for a fairly significant amount of music. The live music via YouTube seemed so much more dynamic and enjoyable.
Just wondering if anyone feels the same. Moods change, sometimes we are tired and sometimes our minds are not at rest. This definitely has an impact.
I am of course aware that we've lost dynamic range thanks to the loudness wars and I guess modern preferences/listening habits.. at the expense of some musicality.
My music is streamed from Tidal/Roon into a MiniDSP SHD feeding some Genelec 8030C speakers and a Kef subwoofer. DIRAC takes care of the room.
Anyone feel the same sometimes?