I think there is no problem with reporting issues. At least not more than in any other country.Obviously this could be due to reporting issues
Any ASR folks here who currently live in Russia? I'm curious what conditions are like there: testing, government efforts (e.g., promoting social distancing, getting people to work from home, etc.), general perceptions of covid-19.
There reason I ask is because Russia is the 9th largest country in the world (by population), yet it appears as of 2020-03-20:
- only 253 confirmed cases
- only 1 fatality
- source: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 (the Johns Hopkins covid-19 tracking database)
1)Rapid response to the emergence of coronavirus in China.
2)Thermal imagers were quickly installed at all border crossing points.
3)Inspected all arriving passengers with the slightest suspicion.
4)People with symptoms of the disease are immediately quarantined.
5)128 quarantine centers were created, 110,000 tests were conducted.
6)Schools are temporarily closed. Some work online. Universities also work online
7)All sports and entertainment events canceled nationwide
8)All restaurants and cafes are subject to preventative cleaning.
8)People are advised not to visit places where there are a lot of people
9)At the moment, All russians who are returning from other countries to their homeland are subject to compulsory quarantine for 2 weeks. Even those who have no symptoms.
10)Issued visas to foreigners.
The latest and most accurate information can be found here with google translate:
Sorry for my bad english.