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What you need to know about the virus in China "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"

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As such Russia's covid-19 numbers are smaller than countries like Estonia and Iceland. Obviously this could be due to reporting issues but wondering what -- if any -- other components might be accounting for the low numbers.
I'm pretty sure you answered your own question here. ;) (At the very least I'd give that a 99.95% of being correct.)

Although there are other possibilities:
Panic buying has accelerated in our area. People are cleaning up grocery store shelves. Huge change from just a week ago. :(
I've been in Walmart daily getting chocO-coated pretzels and the shelves are fine. The Superstore Grocer nearby is okies too.
Agreed. However, the aftereffects are likely to continue to be felt for years to come unfortunately.

Here in my state it seems that shutting down everything is keeping things somewhat decent - still increasing, but not at any significant rate. The nice thing is that you have to figure that everyone getting tested is symptomatic and/or known contact individuals until the last couple days (when they opened some drive-through testing locations). Even with that, it's only about 5% positives. The not so nice thing is that there are still many untested and/or asymptomatic carriers in the population. Still much better than the flu at this point (less widespread I mean) - but likely not for much longer.

If isolation doesn't work, R0>1, it means the infection has gotten into 2nd stage into families, very likely there is going to be an outbreak in the community.
Panic buying has accelerated in our area. People are cleaning up grocery store shelves. Huge change from just a week ago. :(

Not saying you should keep a year stock, but that's why you wanna be prepared already. Keep a box or 2 of mask per person, DIY hand sanitizer, WHO has a recipe for that. That's all you need.
In Spain 50% of those infected end up in the Hospital. In some, triage is already being used to select those who treat first ... by age. And not only access to ICU rooms (where the respiratory devices are).

The causes of the greatest severity in Spain are unknown for now.
I've been in Walmart daily getting chocO-coated pretzels and the shelves are fine. The Superstore Grocer nearby is okies too.
We are certainly ahead of other regions given the fact that the outbreak more or less started here. As soon as they put a limit of 50 people on gatherings, the situation changed. My wife had to wait in line to get into Costco. And she said other than produce, there was hardly anything left at Albertson's (our most common large grocery store). Her fried couldn't even find yeast to make bread! No pasta. No bread. She said the store could easily be mistake for one that has gone out of business and is closed!

Like I said, a week ago when I did the grocery run it was not at all like this. Yes, one or two items were not there but rest of the store was fine. No longer.

March 20, 2020
Practical Aspects of Otolaryngologic Clinical Services During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus EpidemicAn Experience in Hong Kong
Jason Y. K. Chan, MBBS1; Eddy W. Y. Wong, MBChB1; Wayne Lam, MBBS2
Author Affiliations Article Information
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Published online March 20, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2020.0488

Here is the podcast, Interview with Jason Ying Kuen Chan, MBBS, author of Practical Aspects of Otolaryngologic Clinical Services During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Epidemic: An Experience in Hong Kong

20 mins.

La curva no se aplana: el Covid-19 llevará a las UCI españolas a colapsar en unos días
[Spanish] https://www.elconfidencial.com/tecn...olapso-sanitario-covid-19-plazas-uci_2510055/

The curve does not flatten: the Covid-19 will take the Spanish ICUs to collapse in a few days


[ The news from Italy that horrified us two weeks ago, such as doctors being forced to choose between two patients and ruling out the oldest, are already a reality in our hospitals . When the number of those infected with severe pneumonia increases, the 70-year-old patient without comorbidity who was admitted to the ICU yesterday and was intubated is discarded today. Many go to hospice care. Tomorrow it will happen with those 65 and the day after who knows.

It is a dismal anticipation of what awaits the rest of Spain from this week... ]

Spain, at March 19, 2020

Patients admitted to the ICU


Bed saturation in ICU, by CC.AA.


[ Given the opacity of the data that Health is offering of the coronavirus - and that a large part of the autonomous communities have never published a number of places for intensive care - we can only make this worrying estimate at the national level of the catastrophe that is about to take place come. The director of the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies has insisted this Friday that in the coming days they will offer more detailed data, with which we hope to be able to offer them the situation in the rest of the autonomous communities and how far each region of Spain is from that red line. ]
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Stay safe, Maty...

Any ASR folks here who currently live in Russia? I'm curious what conditions are like there: testing, government efforts (e.g., promoting social distancing, getting people to work from home, etc.), general perceptions of covid-19.

There reason I ask is because Russia is the 9th largest country in the world (by population), yet it appears as of 2020-03-20:
As such Russia's covid-19 numbers are smaller than countries like Estonia and Iceland. Obviously this could be due to reporting issues but wondering what -- if any -- other components might be accounting for the low numbers.
The prophylactic qualities of vodka....?
Just to say that from the first moment I am rationing the use of maximum protection masks and gloves, reusing them after cleaning them. At night, if I have gone out, I spray the mask with alcohol. Nitrile gloves, I wash them with bleach. Then the hands with soap.

If the breach of the confinement follow -> more than two month. Because of a small? part of society, the rest of us will suffer the consequences.

Regarding food, Spain is a leader in its production and manufacturing, exporting to the rest of the EU, UK and Russia mainly.

Other countries, such as the UK, have to import the majority.
La baja letalidad del coronavirus en Alemania: una excepción que podría dejar de serlo
[Spanish] https://elpais.com/sociedad/2020/03/20/actualidad/1584729408_422864.html

The low lethality of the coronavirus in Germany: an exception that could cease to be

Lethality / fatality and test per million inhabitants


In epidemiology, a case fatality rate (CFR) — sometimes called case fatality risk or case fatality ratio — is the proportion of deaths from a certain disease compared to the total number of people diagnosed with the disease for a certain period of time...
Just to say that from the first moment I am rationing the use of maximum protection masks and gloves, reusing them after cleaning them. At night, if I have gone out, I spray the mask with alcohol. Nitrile gloves, I wash them with bleach. Then the hands with soap.

If the breach of the confinement follow -> more than two month. Because of a small? part of society, the rest of us will suffer the consequences.

Regarding food, Spain is a leader in its production and manufacturing, exporting to the rest of the EU, UK and Russia mainly.

Other countries, such as the UK, have to import the majority.

Things has gone a little bit better in Asia now, if there's anything you need just let us know, can try send some over to you.
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Coronavirus en España, últimas noticias del COVID-19 en directo: España se acerca a los 25.000 contagiados y registra 1.326 muertes

Coronavirus in Spain, latest news from COVID-19 live: Spain is approaching 25,000 infected and registers 1,326 deaths

[ 11.58 The latest figures of the coronavirus

Spain is close to 25,000 [24,926, diario.es] infected and registers 1,326 deaths from coronavirus, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health. Those recovered from the infection reached 2,125 cases.

In the last 24 hours, the Ministry's data was: 19,980 infected and 1,002 deaths since the first was counted on January 31 last. ]

* Infected: 24,926 - 19,980 = 4,946 -> 24.7 %

* Deaths: 1,326 - 1,002 = 324 -> 32.3%

Madrid CC.AA has the 66% of Spanish infected!
Panic buying has accelerated in our area. People are cleaning up grocery store shelves. Huge change from just a week ago. :(
Many store around here have been out of toilet paper and kitchen rolls for about 2 weeks. A colleague told me he had seen a guy at the counter of a super market with 28 packs of 8 toilet rolls each.:facepalm: So when I went to the store next time and saw almost empty shelfs I "bought a hamster" :rolleyes: as well and took two packs instead of one as usual.:)

Yesterday I saw a young couple carrying two packs of toilet paper and asked them where they got them. They told me (and that they were very glad since they were down to one roll left at home) and later I went to this shop just before closing time (to prevent meeting too many people) and bought another two packs. I noted a sign telling that any customer is allowed to take no more than two packs - a very good move to prevent stupid panic buying.
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