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What you need to know about the virus in China "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"

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I think something that is often forgotten is that all of these Covid-19 deaths are in addition to all the existing deaths everyone uses for comparison. I'm pretty sure people would not be any less upset if a Boeing 747 fully loaded with passengers crashed, killing 500, every day next week, in the US, for instance, even though many die from the flu every day as well.
To build on your analogy, there are currently five Boeing 777-300ER planes (396 passengers each) crashing every day, including one in the US.
[Italian] https://www.repubblica.it/cronaca/2...cio_morti_guariti_positivi_100mila-252710050/

[ More than 100,000 people have contracted the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus. The total number of infected people - including victims and the healed - reached 101,739. The growth of new positives slows down sharply. Today the increase in the total number of people currently positive is 1,648 more sick (yesterday there were 3,815 people).

Overall, in Italy there are therefore 75,528 to be considered currently positive. Unfortunately, the death toll from Covid-19 is still growing: in the last 24 hours 812 people died (yesterday they were 756), bringing the total to 11,591. The recovered are 14,620: compared to yesterday's bulletin +1,590 in the last 24 (yesterday were increased by 646). The highest number of healings since the outbreak began... ]

1,648 / 3,845 -> 42% or -58% in one day, very great reduction!

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One of the reasons Sweden has taken ”the recommendation” path instead of legal lockdowns of people is fear what will happen with people and health being in lockdown for months. Will see when all of this is over ...

La abstinencia al alcohol y otras drogas hace mella en las Urgencias
[Spanish] https://www.deia.eus/actualidad/soc...a-alcohol-drogas-mella-urgencias/1027863.html

Abstinence from alcohol and other drugs takes its toll on the ER

[ Soon a man arrives asking where the whiskey bottles are. It could be a coincidence, but the truth is that alcohol sales have skyrocketed since the state of alarm was decreed. The closure of the bars, however, has not only increased the acquisition of beer, wine and distilled beverages, but has also made a dent in the psychiatric emergencies of hospitals, where there have been "more and more serious cases" of people with alcohol and other substance withdrawal syndrome.

"There has been an increase and, in addition, many cases that were not known. People with addictions to alcohol, heroin or cocaine who, due to the restriction measures, are not able to get those substances and would never have thought they had a problem, above all, with alcohol, which in principle is more socially accepted," explains the psychiatrist Irantzu González Llona, who works in the Galdakao Hospital Emergency Room and warns of the danger that leaving the glasses at once can pose... ]

[ Regarding cannabis consumption, he explains, given the current confinement circumstances, two types of situations are being detected. "There are many people who smoke joints and lead normal lives. Now that they are absent, there are those who do not have problems, but there are others who do, because joints do not cause physical withdrawal syndrome as such, but they do irritability, being more irascible and protesting and quarrel over everything." The cases that are most worrying are those of people who, due to confinement, have increased their consumption. "We are seeing people who, being confined, smoke more and that can end in a psychotic episode, which has already been seen by a few, greater aggressiveness and delusions. All this has to do with isolation from the coronavirus. Before It would have been unthinkable," he points out... ]
The problem of being locked up is if there are many people in a small space, which I do not think is the case in the Nordic countries. It would be much more difficult for me to bear to go months without seeing the sun because it is cloudy or because of the fewest hours of sunlight.

If confinement had happened decades ago, it would have been harder and more unbearable, I say.

Some of the cities have densely populated areas of which some are inhabited by people who are not the most inclined toward civility. Over the years, there have been several riots, gang wars, shootings and hundreds of bombings. Police and ambulances have not always been welcome, so enforcing a lockdown may be rather difficult.
If obesity is the large riskfactor that some some say, then the US will have a extra rough ride, I guess.
A more informative graph would be that of infected / million inhabitants. Still, the US graph is scary. Presumably, the majority of those infected will live in big cities and with international airports or communications hub (as Wuhan in China). The rest of the country has a much lower population density, so it is assumed that the pandemic will be more delayed and they will have more time to implement measures to minimize it.
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El Imperial College dice que hay 7 millones de contagiados por coronavirus en España
[Spanish] https://www.elconfidencial.com/mund...ronavirus-millon-y-medio-contagiados_2525964/

Imperial College says there are 7 million coronaviruses in Spain

[ In the 'paper', entitled 'Estimating the number of affected and the impact of non-health measures against Covid-19 in 11 European countries', Imperial College researchers have calculated the actual percentage of cases in each country through a Bayesian model of the infection cycle in 11 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom)...

Spain would be the country with the highest percentage of the 1 European countries analyzed, which would have lower confidence intervals. Italy, on the other hand, would have up to 9.8% of the population infected (in a slightly narrower fork between 3.2 and 26%), which would estimate the estimated average value of six million people. Another striking fact is the small percentage of infected people in Germany compared to Italy and Spain: only 0.72% of the German population would be infected (just over half a million people).

The Imperial College table showing that Spain would have seven million coronavirus infected. ]

[ In addition, Imperial College researchers have encrypted the number of lives saved in Europe through the application of restrictive measures by each government. And the data is amazing.

16,000 people saved by confinement [Spain]

According to the institute, one of who's most prestigious global and collaborative, thanks to confinement measures and what it calls 'non-health measures' carried out since the beginning of March across Spain, a total of 16,000 lives have been saved, but they could be even more... ]

[ Across Europe the numbers rise to 120,000 lives saved with special attention to Italy which would have saved up to 38,000 lives with its decisions. Although it reaches up to 84,000 in its fork... ]

I do not think there are seven million infected in Spain! At most the multiplier is x10 -> less than 900,000 infected today.
If obesity is the large risk factor that some some say, then the US will have a extra rough ride, I guess.

Below is a 2020 list of most obese nations down to 18%, which covers most major developed countries. (Japan and S. Korea are both below 5%)

Sensationalism on the cover of The New York Times:(

Agony in Italy and Spain


The headline seems to indicate that it is the whole of Spain, the entire Spanish population. After specifies hospitals, as if all hospitals were about to collapse.

What was said, professional journalism.
It doesn't mention all Spanish hospitals will collapse.
If more than one is collapsing, the article is correct and I suggest you read the full article.
He shouldn't have to. Print should tell you everything in the first few paragraphs. This is just poor and lazy journalism.
Sensationalism on the cover of The New York Times:(

Agony in Italy and Spain

View attachment 56367

The headline seems to indicate that it is the whole of Spain, the entire Spanish population. After specifies hospitals, as if all hospitals were about to collapse.

What was said, professional journalism.
If you call agony what Spain and Italy experience right now I have no words for what the US will experience in about a week or two.
No it doesn't.

Multiple hospitals have failed and they have indicated accordingly. They haven't mentioned anywhere that all hospitals have failed

Maty doesn't like the fact Spain is being called out.

"Agony in Spain and Italy as deaths climb and lockdowns are extended" is the headline.

I have a NYT sub that's why I can see the full article.
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