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What you need to know about the virus in China "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"

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New York, view of 42nd Street, Madison Ave and the Hudson River from Grand Hyatt New York




The Tip of the Iceberg: Virologist David Ho (BS '74) Speaks About COVID-19
March 20, 2020

"I personally believe we will blunt this epidemic, but I think we wasted a good four to six weeks largely because of lack of testing and lack of a certain preparedness. But I think we could still make a difference and bring it under control with very harsh measures.

But again, are these measures sustainable? ...... But what are the measures that are effective and sustainable? That's a question we as a society have to deal with. We need to buy time so that gradually the population will have a degree of immunity.

Most importantly, we need to buy time to allow science to deliver solutions."

David Ho was the inspiration for the work I did in HCV.
Las UCI de Navarra no aceptan a pacientes infectados con coronavirus si son mayores de 79 años
[Spanish] https://navarra.elespanol.com/artic...nos-coronavirus/20200325175026317212.amp.html

The ICUs of Navarra do not accept patients infected with coronavirus if they are older than 79 years

[ Faced with the foreseeable collapse of the emergency services and intensive care units of hospitals, the professionals of the Health Department of the Government of Navarra have taken the decision not to admit any patient infected with COVID-19 to the ICUs of the Foral Community over 79 years...

This situation has also been confirmed by medical sources, who have stressed that no patient with elderly coronavirus enters the Intensive Care Unit, even though he has a prognosis that suggests that he could be saved. These sources also clarify that between the ages of 60 and 75, their entry into the ICU depends on their state of health... ]
Luckily in the Tarragona province there are very few cases for now. Yesterday only 195. The situation will soon be terrible in the Barcelona province, not to mention in the Barcelona city.

I lived for years in Barcelona, where I went to study many years ago. It was my second city.

Muchas gracias / Thank you very much.
It is not worthless but one of many expressions of scepticism by the scientific community. The experts in my university also say there is no serous scientific indication that it would work. No reason not to try they say but please do not suggest that we are on the verge of a breakthrough. I would prefer to see US communication controlled by Tony Fauci who actually knows what he is talking about. This is science.

That doesn't sound like those experts have reviewed the research. The in vitro study is grounds for thinking it could work: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-020-0156-0

Then the next stage is to test it with humans. Until there is a good clinical trial, seems one should wait on further assessment.
[Spanish] https://www.diaridetarragona.com/ta...fallecidos-por-la-pandemia-20200325-0057.html


[ In addition to the four deceased known in yesterday's official Salut statement, the province of Tarragona has added in the last hours 44 new confirmed cases of coronavirus, 36 of them located in Camp de Tarragona municipalities and another 8 in the Ebrense regions, leaving the total number of people affected by this disease in 272 positive cases in the ten regions, 231 in Camp de Tarragona and the rest, 41, located in the towns of Les Terres de l'Ebre... ]

Yesterday: 197 if I am not wrong.
Today: 272 - 197 = 75 new positives -> 38% :eek:
Madrid busca desesperada camas de UCI: necesitará más de 2.000 en el pico de la pandemia
[Spanish] https://www.vozpopuli.com/sanidad/coronavirus-Madrid-desesperada-UCI-pandemia_0_1339967209.html

Madrid desperately seeks ICU beds: it will need more than 2,000 at the peak of the pandemic

[ 15% of patients with coronavirus infection have severe symptoms and must be admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU). The situation is especially serious in Madrid, with an average, in recent days, of 100 daily admissions on these devices. The community's forecast was to reach 1,500 ICU beds, adding all the existing resources. But, you could need up to 2,000 in the coming days. The Government has appealed to the solidarity of other much less saturated communities... ]
It has begun - the full impact of the coronavirus pandemic is beginning to hit the U.S. and particularly New York City - LINK

And the U.S. Congress will likely send a coronavirus stimulus package bill to the White House for signature today - one that excludes benefits for Trump businesses.

How will the government react?

'That's when all hell broke loose': Coronavirus patients start to overwhelm US hospitals
Iowa is still increasing at less than 20% increase per day.

Found ground beef for the first time in 10 days... hoarded 1lb (aka a 2 month supply for me, dont eat a lot of beef)

I'm most nervous about other people not being proactive at all.
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