Our kitties rule us. Miette was the only one drawn to audio gear. My cat (Java) likes to sleep with me.
My dogs (usually only one dog at a time) slept on their own bed, next to mine (or on their bed in the living room).
There was a time when I had Blackfoot Girlfriend named Brenda and we had 23 cats, 2 birds (a dove & a blue jay [they just came into the house, we fed them & they stayed, so we got each one a larger bird cage, just in case one of the other animals decided that they were food]), 3 dogs (a full blooded Dalmatian, a mash up of a Chow, Collie, German Shepard (looked like the old Rock-N-Roll big hair bands on a bad hair day) and a Franken Beagle/Lab), 3 snakes (a 3 ft. corn snake, a 7 & 1/2 foot Ball Python & a 9 foot Albino Boa Constrictor [yes, we raised rabbits to feed them {I knew someone would want to know that}]), 3 iguanas, three ferrets, 11 tortoises and the occasional something else that Brenda brought home (Ghost crabs, Hermit crabs and who knows what else). She was very fast and could run & swipe up a Ghost crab before it got to it's sand hole or catch a snake in such a manner that it could not bite her, using just her hands.
After about a year, she decided to move back to her family home in Ohio and we packed this menagerie onto my trailer and into a Chevy step-van and drove from Goose , South Carolina to some 1 stoplight town in Ohio (an 11-12 hour drive with no animals, about 16 hours with the animals).
Kids that had the fortune to be at rest stops when we pulled in really annoyed their parents to let them see what we were feeding, walking (were we part of an exhibition, circus or what), with all these animals.
I left her, her mother and all their animals up there and drove back to James Island, SC. Just a few months later I was living on Islands & archipelago's in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, where I stayed from Jan 4, 2002-April 27 2018.
I do not currently own any animals.