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What makes The Beatles music still beautifull today

What makes Palestrina's music still beautiful today?

It's good music.
Easier for me to say Palestrina's music is more beautiful than, say, "Don't Let Me Down", which sounds randomly thrown together. "Talent is an Asset", as Sparks once sang.
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You know the thing that I got when I went back and watched that clip that I posted...

They really played in that instance with a lot of passion. Also they really sound good jamming with one another. Whatever the personal conflicts they had, as a band they still could manage to go up on a roof and nail it! All while the cops watched. Brilliant!
What made they’re music so beautiful then is possibly more important.

The main reason was that they lived close too,but not in a peninsula called Wirral,they were fortunate enough to spend a lot of time here playing Women’s institutes and having a bit of time on our lovely beaches,which is undoubtedly where all there magic came from,fortunately for us were separated from the rest of they’re robbing brethren by a river,unfortunately the devious buggers made a tunnel to escape they’re gray city and get into our green and pleasant land.
Signed a Wirral resident.
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