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What are we listening to right now..

Heilung. Not sure how to describe this... pagan folk? Looking forward to their first concert in August:

The Stark Reality Discovers Hoagy Carmichael's Music Shop

In which one of my favorite guitarists, John Abercrombie, squares off against the most electric fuzz vibes sound ever, played by Monty Stark, doing a wild take on Hoagy Carmichael tunes in a WGBH children's TV production. Stunning.


Check out Junkman's Song on youtube

Here's a playlist I made after seeing Robert Fithen's entertaining description of the artists, groups and songs. Robert has a lot of points.:)
I think Robert's comment about Lana Del Rey was spot on. ;) That's the first thing he brings up in the video:

I took the first song from each record, so I'm listening to those now. Most are good songs. :D

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