Depends on placement imho.
The Revels have a very notable bass shelf, so if you're going to place them against a wall that's a good option. The Mofi 888s on the other hand have an extended flat bass response, so they are more suited for a placement further into the room, you have more bass in terms of quantity, flatter bass response too. If you're EQing the bass response on the 888s, you can place them against a wall too.
Other than that, both speakers have excellent linearity and their horizontal directivity are both very good. You get a coax with the 888s, so vertical directivity is somewhat better there. But horizontal directivity is a bit more narrow, so less expensive sound so to speak of. That would be the second criterion.
Super Linton is very good too, but you're not going to match the SPL capability of either the 888 or the 228Be. But in a smaller room, that's the choice I would make.
Other than that, I think the 888s vs the 228Be is more directivity preference, placement based, and bass extension capability, neither perform really "better" than the other.