Senior Member
Historically I have not engaged in social media for various reasons. Well, that is not exactly true. I was active way back when on USENET such as Rec.Audio, Rec.Car.Audio, etc. Late 80s to early 90s. Then the early flame wars on ABx testing, crystal pyramid sound differences, that type of toxic stuff.
But wanted to reengage with my original passion: audio.
My first career area was actually in audio design, primarily focused on test and measurements of raw loudspeakers, cabinets, passive and active crossovers, and amplifiers. During that time, we brought in more sophisticated/automated systems such as LinearX's LEAP and LMS, DRA Labs MLSSA, AudioPrecision, and were (nearly) at ground zero with Dr. Klippel's nascent technology. I also then starting using National Instrument's LabView and their SCXI systems to develop our own automated test systems.
About that time, I moved on to the aerospace and nuclear industries, but often relied and expanded upon the basic theories and test methods. EMC spectrum analyzers and EMI receivers anyone? Big daddies compared to the AP. I have conducted measurements over the ranges of 16.85 nHz to sub-THz, pV to GV, pA to kA. NASA still communicates with Voyager 1. The signal level is less than an attowatt. We can measure virtually any time varying physical property. The only question is if the time, resources, and cost is worth it.
My main (2.2) system consists of Focal Sopra 3’s driven by Mc electronics, half inherited, half bought used. I recently switched to using a MiniDSP Flex HTx connected to my 77C2 screen. The inexpensive DSP power available to consumers now is astonishing. ~35 years ago, a colleague and I attempted to implement a basic IIR in C to use with a PC/sound card. Performance/Latency was suboptimum.
For my next project I am contemplating retrofitting 12” subwoofers into a pair of McIntosh ML-1C speaker cabinets I have. Ideally, I would not have to modify the current woofer cutout. Clearance to the front grill however will be an issue given the significantly larger excursions today’s subs are capable of. I expect it’ll be my first foray into the class-D world.