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Welcome New Members to ASR, introduce yourself here.

Today Yesterday, I started my new career: not having to work. I’m now semi-retired.

Historically I have not engaged in social media for various reasons. Well, that is not exactly true. I was active way back when on USENET such as Rec.Audio, Rec.Car.Audio, etc. Late 80s to early 90s. Then the early flame wars on ABx testing, crystal pyramid sound differences, that type of toxic stuff.

But wanted to reengage with my original passion: audio.

My first career area was actually in audio design, primarily focused on test and measurements of raw loudspeakers, cabinets, passive and active crossovers, and amplifiers. During that time, we brought in more sophisticated/automated systems such as LinearX's LEAP and LMS, DRA Labs MLSSA, AudioPrecision, and were (nearly) at ground zero with Dr. Klippel's nascent technology. I also then starting using National Instrument's LabView and their SCXI systems to develop our own automated test systems.

About that time, I moved on to the aerospace and nuclear industries, but often relied and expanded upon the basic theories and test methods. EMC spectrum analyzers and EMI receivers anyone? Big daddies compared to the AP. I have conducted measurements over the ranges of 16.85 nHz to sub-THz, pV to GV, pA to kA. NASA still communicates with Voyager 1. The signal level is less than an attowatt. We can measure virtually any time varying physical property. The only question is if the time, resources, and cost is worth it.

My main (2.2) system consists of Focal Sopra 3’s driven by Mc electronics, half inherited, half bought used. I recently switched to using a MiniDSP Flex HTx connected to my 77C2 screen. The inexpensive DSP power available to consumers now is astonishing. ~35 years ago, a colleague and I attempted to implement a basic IIR in C to use with a PC/sound card. Performance/Latency was suboptimum.

For my next project I am contemplating retrofitting 12” subwoofers into a pair of McIntosh ML-1C speaker cabinets I have. Ideally, I would not have to modify the current woofer cutout. Clearance to the front grill however will be an issue given the significantly larger excursions today’s subs are capable of. I expect it’ll be my first foray into the class-D world.
Hello everyone.

Not to be a downer, but my father recently passed away and I inherited his old Sansui receiver from the 70's. I grew up with that thing and have many fond memories of listening to it with him. While I want to get it repaired and working (another topic), what inheriting that old receiver did for me was to reignite that itch for a good sounding system in my home. When I got married, my old 90's Yamaha/Denon/Onkyo components (nothing fancy) ended up at my in-laws house somehow and ultimately disappeared. I've managed the last 15 years with bluetooth speakers and streaming services, but I'm ready to start what I fear will become yet another costly hobby, but I've really enjoyed learning about it on this forum.

I stumbled on this forum while looking up all the current technologies and wow, things have changed...and stayed the same too. What I've discovered is that so much of the youtube stuff is nonsense that's all about the clicks and links. If I hadn't found this forum I'd be neck deep in crap audio equipment based on youtube "reviewer" recommendations. This place seems to be one of only a few sources with some sense of objectivity and integrity. I like that. It's also the counter approach to the design/aesthetic/emotional side of me that often times makes my decisions. That tempers my impulse purchasing.

I'm still learning about all of this and am starting to formulate some questions, but for now just wanted to say hi since I've been hanging out in the corner and listening (reading) for a couple of months now.

Most of what is discussed on here is above my head, but I enjoy learning and am eager to start interacting.

Hello everyone.

Not to be a downer, but my father recently passed away and I inherited his old Sansui receiver from the 70's. I grew up with that thing and have many fond memories of listening to it with him. While I want to get it repaired and working (another topic), what inheriting that old receiver did for me was to reignite that itch for a good sounding system in my home. When I got married, my old 90's Yamaha/Denon/Onkyo components (nothing fancy) ended up at my in-laws house somehow and ultimately disappeared. I've managed the last 15 years with bluetooth speakers and streaming services, but I'm ready to start what I fear will become yet another costly hobby, but I've really enjoyed learning about it on this forum.

I stumbled on this forum while looking up all the current technologies and wow, things have changed...and stayed the same too. What I've discovered is that so much of the youtube stuff is nonsense that's all about the clicks and links. If I hadn't found this forum I'd be neck deep in crap audio equipment based on youtube "reviewer" recommendations. This place seems to be one of only a few sources with some sense of objectivity and integrity. I like that. It's also the counter approach to the design/aesthetic/emotional side of me that often times makes my decisions. That tempers my impulse purchasing.

I'm still learning about all of this and am starting to formulate some questions, but for now just wanted to say hi since I've been hanging out in the corner and listening (reading) for a couple of months now.

Most of what is discussed on here is above my head, but I enjoy learning and am eager to start interacting.

Welcome to ASR! If you have any questions just ask and I'm pretty sure there will be multiple people chiming in on answers and assistance.
Hello everyone.

Not to be a downer, but my father recently passed away and I inherited his old Sansui receiver from the 70's. I grew up with that thing and have many fond memories of listening to it with him. While I want to get it repaired and working (another topic), what inheriting that old receiver did for me was to reignite that itch for a good sounding system in my home. When I got married, my old 90's Yamaha/Denon/Onkyo components (nothing fancy) ended up at my in-laws house somehow and ultimately disappeared. I've managed the last 15 years with bluetooth speakers and streaming services, but I'm ready to start what I fear will become yet another costly hobby, but I've really enjoyed learning about it on this forum.

I stumbled on this forum while looking up all the current technologies and wow, things have changed...and stayed the same too. What I've discovered is that so much of the youtube stuff is nonsense that's all about the clicks and links. If I hadn't found this forum I'd be neck deep in crap audio equipment based on youtube "reviewer" recommendations. This place seems to be one of only a few sources with some sense of objectivity and integrity. I like that. It's also the counter approach to the design/aesthetic/emotional side of me that often times makes my decisions. That tempers my impulse purchasing.

I'm still learning about all of this and am starting to formulate some questions, but for now just wanted to say hi since I've been hanging out in the corner and listening (reading) for a couple of months now.

Most of what is discussed on here is above my head, but I enjoy learning and am eager to start interacting.

Welcome - sounds like you are in the right place.

I think the only costly part of your hobby is going to be getting that old receiver repaired. Apart from that, very well performing electronics can be had for surprisingly little money.
Welcome - sounds like you are in the right place.

I think the only costly part of your hobby is going to be getting that old receiver repaired. Apart from that, very well performing electronics can be had for surprisingly little money.
Thanks. Yep, it seems you can't get an estimate because no one can anticipate what's wrong. And then you fix one thing and it reveals another. Though it's never been driven hard and it had worked within about the past two years. I don't know much about electronics, but opened it up and didn't see any obvious issues with burnt areas and the capacitors all seem to have healthy "shrinkwrap" still. But that's one I will put the money into since it's got that sentimental value to me. I remember listening to Bach as well as Kansas with my Dad on it as a boy. It was also the first thing I ever plugged my first electric guitar into. There are lots of memories with that one.

I like the affordability of a lot of the newer stuff. My tendency however is to research my way from a $350 piece of equipment up to a $2000 piece without even realizing what I'm doing. I like meters. I'm trying to be practical with my approach though, and this site has been invaluable.

I've got a rich man's taste with the wallet of a peasant. :oops:
I’ve found one sure way to be in the poor house in audio. Settle for something you aren’t happy with. Then in two years do it again. And so on…. :)
Lol. I've found I become a victim of analysis paralysis. I can literally research something until a new model comes out and it's obsolete. But I already made a speaker purchase because it seemed like a good deal on offerup, and I don't even have an amp to run them...so I hope I like them. Ha!
Hello, I'm Bob, and am based near Cambridge. Have been reading various posts without joining up. Need to ask a few questions, so here I am...
Welcome - and ask away.
Hello, I'm Bob, and am based near Cambridge. Have been reading various posts without joining up. Need to ask a few questions, so here I am...
Cambridge UK or Cambridge Mass? Welcome also from me. Ask away, we love to help.

Lol. I've found I become a victim of analysis paralysis. I can literally research something until a new model comes out and it's obsolete. But I already made a speaker purchase because it seemed like a good deal on offerup, and I don't even have an amp to run them...so I hope I like them. Ha!
Welcome also from me. You may not need an amp, getting your Receiver repaired may be all you need.

There's a lot of love of vintage equipment here (especially from me!) as many (most?) of the issues of amplification were solved problems by the 1970s.

Welcome also from me. You may not need an amp, getting your Receiver repaired may be all you need.

There's a lot of love of vintage equipment here (especially from me!) as many (most?) of the issues of amplification were solved problems by the 1970s.

Thank you. I like it. I think my Dad's receiver is a system that will ultimately live in my studio in lieu of the living room. It's a separate project and has some special importance to me. I wish I was competent with electronics so I could fix it myself, but dollars will replace skill at this point in my life. I've scoured the internet looking for parts, knowledgeable folks, etc. and it seems like it's a very niche corner of the world for these things. I am absolutely in love with the beauty of 70's receivers though...probably from growing up with it, but it will be a stand alone system for those "moments" when I miss my dad as well as those "moments" I want to pass on to my own kids. I haven't even started to think about speakers at this time. My Dad had some crap pioneers on it...they may live on. We'll see. I kind of want to bring it into my own world now. New life!

It's a Sansui 7070. Not a top of the line model, but it's beautiful and has been a member of my family almost as long as I have.
Hello everyone,
I've been lurking for years but I decided just now to register because I'm planning to start some diy projects and I'd like to share them with you and get some feedback if you could find them interesting. I've always loved music and I graduated in electronic engineering some years ago: electronics always seemed a very natural path for me to stick close to what I like. I'm not employed in audio design, but I find myself continuosly thinkering around amplifiers and audio solutions and this forum feels like a safehaven! No "audiophile" myths or badly designed circuits, just some normal beautiful applied science.

Best Regards
Hello everyone,
I've been lurking for years but I decided just now to register because I'm planning to start some diy projects and I'd like to share them with you and get some feedback if you could find them interesting. I've always loved music and I graduated in electronic engineering some years ago: electronics always seemed a very natural path for me to stick close to what I like. I'm not employed in audio design, but I find myself continuosly thinkering around amplifiers and audio solutions and this forum feels like a safehaven! No "audiophile" myths or badly designed circuits, just some normal beautiful applied science.

Best Regards
Hi and welcome

looking forward to reading your projects.
Hi everyone! I'm new here. I'm a lifelong amateur musician who, despite being into music, never quite got into gear. So get ready for me to ask some questions as I get my first DAC/Amp stack and nice pair of headphones!

I live in the Seattle area (my dad has lived here since the early 00's, so I've been around the area for a while without being a local for very long). I also like cars, guitars, and old video games.

I was attracted to ASR due to the lack of snake oil in favor of measurable data, in addition to Amir's amazing data-driven reviews!

Thanks for having me, pleasure to meet everyone.
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