I bought one in June from Vintage King for $1350 (new). Serial number 000...018. I got a call asking if they could help me with anything. I said they could help me with the Weiss DAC205, having read that it is (Weiss themselves say so) equivalent (but maybe that's no big deal), purely DAC-wise (-Weiss? hahahaha) to the 204 and the 501 and having read the glowing praise for those other Weiss DACs. I had been using a Chord Qutest (due partly to measurements here and at Stereophile) with a Denafrips Iris. So I didn't need USB input. The Qutest outputs at most 3v. It doesn't have XLR out. I was/am also using a Benchmark HPA4 and AHB2. I am now using the DAC205 at maximum output (allegedly 7.5v) via XLR into the HPA4 and then into the AHB2 with the AHB2 set to miniimum gain. It sounds better than the Qutest. Yes, it does!!! You have to believe me!!!! I realize that maybe a Topping or SMSL or RME would also sound better. Too late now. What's done is done, etc. The Qutest is now in my bedroom. USB in from an old iphone that no longer can receive phone calls but seems to stream Qobuz successfully. On from there to an old NAD preamp, to an old NHT Power 2 amp (ancient ICEpower) to a pair of old Magnepan 1.6, placed without much care or concern beyond toeing them in a bit. I miss the glowing orbs and window when I'm downstairs, but not the sound.