If you buy international you pay less than local but when things go wrong it costs. Everyone has to make there choices and live with them.
Shipping used to be next to nothing. Not anymore. Time frames for delivery have extended, too.
If I was in the US, and looking at the lower to mid-end, I'd probably go with the Full of Schiit guys. For your dollar, they offer reasonable value. They give you two years on warranty claims. About what you'd expect for this sort of thing. You can get them on the horn during business hours, and talk. Sending anything back to their factory is going to be a lot cheaper than mailing overseas, or across borders where you never know what customs will be doing, that day. They charge a 15% 'restock fee' during the demo period, so that's a consideration.
At the higher end of 'reasonable cost for what you get', Benchmark supports you for five years. Ditto for shipping--upstate NY is not southern China. You can also interact with them over the phone, in a language both sides probably understand.
If I lived in Canada, and if my money was easy, I'd be looking at Bryston. Of course if you can afford Bryston you're in an altogether different ball park. You probably have a dealer to work with (I'm guessing). I don't know how it is now, what with dealers becoming scarce, but dealers used to act as the 'middle man'; working with the distributor/factory on behalf of customers, some offering demo units while yours was in the shop. I guess those days are mostly gone.
For high ticket items, mail order isn't the best situation to be in. For throw-away items, it might not be that big of a deal. But even the 'cheap' stuff from operations like Topping are not the 'bargains' they once were, price-wise..., with some of their products pushing the thousand dollar mark.