Could be, And don't get me wrong, FR is definitely the most obvious. Everybody agree on that. I tried this test too, and Yes I arrived about these levels too. I'll be controversial, but my opinion is that it's more complex than that, my opinion. If it was a firm treshold and quantifiable by one single number, not knowing what type of distortion, not knowing how it intermodulate, etc... I'll admit it i am a bit reserved about those quick test. On those basis, we should all listen to mp3s. It distort the signal less than that. I'll be fully transparent, me ABing a CD quality flac to a 256 kbps AAC... I'll fail that test more often than not. But strangely, and I know that it's anecdotal and not scientific, but my Tidal subscription have it set for normal on 5G data and Hifi on wifi. I have had for the last few weeks had it on 5g. I was at the gym the other day, without knowing, honestly, finding myself enjoying music more than usual. feeling less listening fatigue, being able to turn down the volume more than usual and still get the full experience, and just thinking "Why does everything sounds better". Only then realizing that i was connected automatically to wifi and my tidal setting was changed. Again. I fail those tests... I know it goes against research that short clips are the proper way to detect small difference, but what can I say, It's what I heard and felt. No bias, I had no idea and if I did have a bias, if would have been the other way because I don't ear this in A-B. But hey, it sounded better, what can I do.