I've been listening to them for the couple of the days, and comparing them to Truthear Nova.
But I have problems with seal. I'm using SpinFit CP100 XL size and small movements with my head or jaw makes me loose seal and sound goes crap.
Anyone knows even larger tips that could fix my issue? Maybe if the nozzle was longer I would be fine...
So far what I like:
- Looks
- Size, weight. Very small and lightweight
- Sound, (when seal is good) I'm using 0110 setting and it's fun sounding IEM. With that configuration of switches I prefer them over Truthear Novas.
What I don't like:
- Cable, I really don't like this cloth thing, to me it's micro phonic and ear hooks are too aggressively shaped. I'm using different one
- Seal problems, nozzle could be a bit wider or/and longer, but that's personal caveat
Also small thing but I would like to mention it, finally the packaging is not covered with anime child girls.

But rather classy looking with simple two tones.
I just don't understand that and always feel huge embarrassment when my wife sees these boxes.
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