Okay final verdict now after doing some serious A/B between PA5 and Buckeye I can nail down some specifics:
Far clearer in the upper bounds - meaning ice cracking, strumming of guitars, there are very clear highs.
Far clearer bass - I can feel the crack of the bass, almost artificial sometimes (when the bass comes in you can tell a 0->1 feeling), the separation is incredible in terms of when the bass comes in and the tightness of it.
Too much detail makes every sound a bit equally the same - lack of power shows very clearly here when we're talking about things like machine gun shots, cars revving and others that don't feel like they have power. Watching James Bond for example, the movie felt flat, and coming from the screen. I will explain in the buckeye below.
It feels like there is stronger contrast in the sound, the bass is bigger, the sound is brought forward. The speakers literally disappear and the movie is brought into your living room. When things crack they really feel like they're cracked, when machine guns go off, you duck for cover, and when explosions go off, you think your hearing is hurt. There is a weightiness of sound that isn't represented with the PA5.
I think highs are rolled off, as the ice cracking and other super high sounds feel off, and do not have the same ear piercing crackling feeling as PA5. There is a bit of loss in detail in terms of full neutral representation in comparison to PA5, it's like taking off your glasses, definitely a loss in detail but far far bigger in terms of amplitude / quantity.
Watching James Bond on buckeye - I was scared when the car came for me, when the explosion happened, holy I felt his pain and when he grabbed the railing jump off the bridge you could physically feel the pins being ripped out.
Yeah please Topping, give me 1000W of power next
I'm not using audiophile words or audioscience words, anyone want to translate what I said please go ahead
I'll be using PA5 for my office speakers and loading a future Topping amp with much more wattage to place my buckeye (which only cost me 649 btw)