I think my Topping XM3s arrived DOA - I've never hooked up a desktop DAC/AMP like this before though, it'll be used via USB audio to power 2 bookshelf speakers primarily.
with that said, I hooked it up per usual and how I would image/expect. Each speaker positive/negative wired correctly as expected, validated to be sure. then USB-C to my PS5 as that is how I'm setting it up. plugged in the supplied power, turn it on. and as soon as I do I hear a continuous rhythmic clicking or popping from my speakers. imagine like a metronome, pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop - nothing else, no sound from it, I tried moving it to my PC to see if it was the PS5 and the PC sees it , I select it as a sound source and same thing.
I've tried other inputs beyond the USB-C port. I also did optical with a separate DAC I have with Optical to the DAC, and USB to the PS5 and PC - same thing. every input is the same. just a rhythmic pop sound.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? anything I can maybe think to do/try? am I spot on? did I just buy a bad amp?
with that said, I hooked it up per usual and how I would image/expect. Each speaker positive/negative wired correctly as expected, validated to be sure. then USB-C to my PS5 as that is how I'm setting it up. plugged in the supplied power, turn it on. and as soon as I do I hear a continuous rhythmic clicking or popping from my speakers. imagine like a metronome, pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop - nothing else, no sound from it, I tried moving it to my PC to see if it was the PS5 and the PC sees it , I select it as a sound source and same thing.
I've tried other inputs beyond the USB-C port. I also did optical with a separate DAC I have with Optical to the DAC, and USB to the PS5 and PC - same thing. every input is the same. just a rhythmic pop sound.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? anything I can maybe think to do/try? am I spot on? did I just buy a bad amp?