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Yes I've read that review previously, which is for the original Valhalla.
No, you haven't:

"Switching to Sennheiser HD-650 completely transformed the experience. Now the fidelity was good and there was plenty of volume until distortion set it. Correlation was quite weak with THD+N when I compared the Valhalla with JDS Labs Atom. Unless I really paid attention where the JDS Labs had slightly less distortion in highs and tiny bit better resolution, you could not tell them apart. Indeed I had my son here who is in his 20s and has excellent high frequency acuity. He could not tell the two units apart.

The dominances of second harmonic and the fact that it masks better, explains why the audible effect is not anywhere close to what the numbers indicate."

Numbers and not trained ears don't tell you the same...
Our ears love 2nd order harmonics.

There is also the test of valhalla 2 that is better but the question is the same
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No, you haven't:

"Switching to Sennheiser HD-650 completely transformed the experience. Now the fidelity was good and there was plenty of volume until distortion set it. Correlation was quite weak with THD+N when I compared the Valhalla with JDS Labs Atom. Unless I really paid attention where the JDS Labs had slightly less distortion in highs and tiny bit better resolution, you could not tell them apart. Indeed I had my son here who is in his 20s and has excellent high frequency acuity. He could not tell the two units apart.

The dominances of second harmonic and the fact that it masks better, explains why the audible effect is not anywhere close to what the numbers indicate."

Numbers and not trained ears don't tell you the same...
Our ears love 2nd order harmonics.

There is also the test of valhalla 2 that is better but the question is the same
please stay on topic... no ofense
Anyone with a DX9, have you discovered any way to set a different headphone out level to the line (or Pre) outs? I've found that the level of the purported line outs are also adjusted by the volume control. I'd like to have max out for my main system, and ~-35 to -25dB for the headphone, and this doesn't seem possible. Thoughts from owners?
Anyone with a DX9, have you discovered any way to set a different headphone out level to the line (or Pre) outs? I've found that the level of the purported line outs are also adjusted by the volume control. I'd like to have max out for my main system, and ~-35 to -25dB for the headphone, and this doesn't seem possible. Thoughts from owners?
Go into Advanced and change DAC mode to DAC
Go into Advanced and change DAC mode to DAC
Thanks. No go I'm afraid. I've been through lots of options. I even did a factory reset and started again. The only practical difference between line out and pre out is that line out is always in low gain mode. On both of them the volume control works, even when the DAC mode is set to DAC. Which means for a decent output level on a main system you have to have the volume set to at or near max. Plug in phones at that level and the sound is an enormous blast. Fortunately, the headphones I used when I made that mistake are robust.

HD900 Fan, do you have a DX9? I know that's what the manual says, but it doesn't actually work like that. At least the one I have doesn't. If it does for others, then mine is defective. (It ought to work. It does on my old E30.)
Thanks. No go I'm afraid. I've been through lots of options. I even did a factory reset and started again. The only practical difference between line out and pre out is that line out is always in low gain mode. On both of them the volume control works, even when the DAC mode is set to DAC. Which means for a decent output level on a main system you have to have the volume set to at or near max. Plug in phones at that level and the sound is an enormous blast. Fortunately, the headphones I used when I made that mistake are robust.

HD900 Fan, do you have a DX9? I know that's what the manual says, but it doesn't actually work like that. At least the one I have doesn't. If it does for others, then mine is defective. (It ought to work. It does on my old E30.)
Yes I do.
You're right, the line-out also becomes a pre-out if you use the all output mode.
Dac mode is only for line-out mode I see.
Ah, thanks. You've solved it for me! To restate it: Select "Line Out" for "Out Mode", and then DAC mode in the Advanced Menu. The left display shows a large "DAC" in that mode and the output from the Line outputs are set to max (with low gain). Gain High/Low doesn't work for those outputs. The Pre outputs and the headphone outputs are both off.

If you set "Out Mode" to All, then you can individually set the output sockets for each: Line (XLR, RCA, All, Off), Pre (XLR, RCA, All, Off), and Headphone (6.35, 4.4, XLR, Off). But in that mode, DAC mode doesn't work and all outputs are subject to the volume control.

If you set the headphone level in "HPA" output mode, then that is preserved ... but only when the output is set to HPA output mode. Likewise for "Pre" mode. Likewise for "All". Likewise for "Line Out" when not in DAC mode.

I'm thinking there are some poor design choices here, nonetheless. And some warnings are in order, but the dangers can be overcome fairly simply.

So, I set the output mode to Line Out, then DAC mode to "DAC", and I was getting proper volume from my speakers with "DAC" displayed by the unit. Then I switched the output to "HPA" for the headphones and set that level to -35dB, a comfortably loud level with the headphones I was using. Checked with the headphones plugged in. Nice.

Then I went back to "Line Out" to check something. Then thought I'd go back to HPA. So I changed the Out Mode again. As you'd know, each press of the button cycles this through "Line Out", "PRE", "ALL" and "HPA". When I hit "ALL", my poor, poor headphones started rattling wildly as their drivers bottomed out. They only suffered for a second because I quickly pressed the button again to get to HPA. Fortunately they appear to have survived, but I was glad I was using my second best headphones, and not my best ones!

What had happened was that the last time I'd had the unit in "ALL" mode I'd left it at 0dB. So max output was fed to the headphones when I cycled briefly through "ALL". (And I had Gain on High, so it was doubly bad.) Kind of dangerous.

It's easily overcome once you realise all this. Since you can't change the order through which the outputs are cycled, you should turn down the volumes for the "ALL" output setting to a level comfortable with headphones. Then you can switch between DAC mode on the line outputs and HPA mode with no fuss, and with no danger to either ears or equipment.

(Why not just have the traditional switch on the headphone input that flicks the unit over to headphone mode? Well, that would work with the 6.35mm socket, and maybe for the 4.4mm one if they have an insertion-switch on them, but not the 4-pin XLR.)

The one real weakness of the DX9 as far as I've been able to work out is that the instructions are way too minimal, superficial. I noticed that there as a lot of discussion early in this thread about this unit vs a comparably-priced RME DAC. I'm not much interested in that. But I would note that the manual for my RME ADI-2 Pro FS R is a full hundred pages of text. Maybe Topping should consider a manual upgrade to cover such things as the above.
I'd agree with that -- that they'd sound the same -- so long as levels were matched extremely precisely and, to a lesser extent, the same filter settings were chosen. Topping DACs with AK DAC chips typically allow the selection of a "NOS" filter (they call it "Super Slow Roll off"). This isn't actually a filter at all. It eliminates the post digital to analogue low pass filtering. The result is a significant roll-off in frequency response above 10kHz, and rather large amounts of ultrasonic energy into the output signal. (I always recommend "Sharp Roll off", or F1, on the Topping DACs I've used.}
I've bought it on AliExpress from Shenzhenaudio Store and as 15 days have passed I'm on my own now. It's fine, just wanted everyone to be aware of what to expect
Shenzhenaudio Store is the official seller there, you can trust their service.

I would just RMA.
View attachment 355869

Topping be topping... They agreed for a replacement, but I'm not ok to send it back to China to some random address without any guarantees.
It's still clicks too, even with the standard windows drivers. Though less than before. Good idea in a ****** wrapper, as usual
I got mine today as a refurb unit. I haven't had any issues thus far. I cant say just how bad I missed having a AKM DAC. It's so more lush than what I've been using for a long time.

Really hope they can get a good unit to you the DX9 is well worth its price.
I've got a replacement recently (bought another one from local retailer). Seems ok sound-wise, but it has the same exact visual issue on VU home I posted earlier!
I've switched it to default screen type which does not seem to have it, but still, seems to be a firmware issue at least. Maybe someone could switch to classic VU (and auto light dim) for some time and also confirm it, because it's not a coincidence any more
I've got a replacement recently (bought another one from local retailer). Seems ok sound-wise, but it has the same exact visual issue on VU home I posted earlier!
I've switched it to default screen type which does not seem to have it, but still, seems to be a firmware issue at least. Maybe someone could switch to classic VU (and auto light dim) for some time and also confirm it, because it's not a coincidence any more
I just changed to classic VU and auto dim and everything looked fine while dimmed
This thing looks very good and it's an almost perfect combo for my usecase(s).
Kind of wish that I did not have so much audio gear ... and I really needed one :)
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